Everything!!i'm a curious person. I love soccer, football, softball, basketball..and pretty much any sport.i love having fun, or just chillin with my friends. i like meeting new people (always opened for that). but most of all music, music can describe any feeling, and its the cure for anything. I also like hitting a soccer ball around, or goin on a bike with my bf. simple things make me smile
I'd like to meet my birthparents (i was adopted), um..i would like to meet some hot actors aka brad pitt, meet some bands.. the beatles, and some other cool ones. haven't really thought about it that much, sorry folks
Tons!! Beatles, Lost prophets, Third Eye Blind, life house, greenday, korn, the cure,simon & Garfunkle, Liz Phar, cold play, some hilary duff, and some britany spears, prety much everything besides country..the only country i love is Wilco..omg he's the best!! got to love that guy. but umm i pretty much listen to anything
The Notebook, Shrek 2, Pearl Harbor, Saving Private Ryan, THe ring( thanks to kristen), tin cup, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!! haha, Princess Diaries, Green Mile, haha u guys r goin to laugh but Lord of the rings, the village, Boogeyman, Breakfast club, and many more..im just really bad bout think of all of this sorry.. pretty mcuh all types of movies.. not too crazy bout horror movies..but i have my times when i really want to see one
Simpsons, Seinfeld, Gilmore girls, realworld.. buti really dont have that much time.. too busy with soccer n tryin to pass school (its a hectic life let me tell ya haha) Sweet home chicago.. that's why i love the city
Dark Secrets Dont Tell was pretty good and Sisterhood and the Traveling pants.. the series! sweet books
Kristen Hutchinson and her family..My brother.. he seems to be getting older but a kid at heart.Brian-He's my bestfriend