.. Now IconsSuccess, whether measured in business, family or love, is often determined by the "right" attitude. Unfortunately, maintaining that proper frame of mind, a positive attitude, isn't always easy. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, Life just seems intent on bringing us down. Inspiration, however, is rarely far away - if we are but willing to look for it.The TrUtH is you don`t know what is going to happen tomorrow. life is a cRaZy RiDe, and nOtHiNg is GuArAnTeEd! Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. Life has turned out exactly how I didn`t plan...make sense? I guess alot of people in this world plan their lives, and try to follow accordingly... My-self on the other hand. Thought life just happend, everything would just magically unfold. I have learned that this life is mine... only I can make my future. I am proud of the choices I make everyday, of course there are some I regret...or haven`t thought through.I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's were the fun is. I am SpOnTaNiOuS,cReAtIve,HoNeSt,iNdEpEnDeNt,ReAl, cOmPaSsIoNaTe, PaSsIoNaTe, rUBeLlIoUs, CuRiOuS,and sEnSiTiVe. If I think about doing it.... ill JuSt Do It! I love my friends.... Nothing is better then having a ladies night out drinking and getting crazy!
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Good friends will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you`ve had enough... but your BeSt FrIeNd will look @ you tripping over your own two feet & say "BITCH dRiNk the rest of that! You know we don`t wast that shit!!! I am also the type of girl that loves to stay home with a good movie and to snuggle up with a warm blanket. Hope is a beautiful thing. It gives us peace and strength, and keeps us going when all seems lost. Accepting what you cannot change doesn't mean you have given up on hope. It just means you have to focus your hope on more humanly tangible and attainable goals.