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Mike B

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


I have a few more blogs than Myspace allows me to show on here (15 blogs) at a time, so subscribe to my blog to check them out.
Please when you see my page don't think I'm trying to be better than anyone because I'm not. I do what I do and I'm happy with my life. I'm not here to be judging anyone. So feel free to send me a friend request. Maybe one of my bulletins/blog, my headlines, or even what I have on my page will help you out some time or another. I love helping people out.
**If you need to laugh or need a smile on your face, go down to the bottom. I have quite a few jokes that may put a smile on your face at the least.**
↑↑↑ Check out a 30 second sound clip to each song on this album by clicking on the album.
About my life, I'm one of the happiest people you'll ever meet. I've been through a lot in my life for being this young. Now I volunteer with L7 at Lakewood. L7 is a ministry for both junior high and high school. I just recently joined the Lakewood choir. I sing my heart out up there with all the other Lakewood choir members for the Lord. Life can get rough at times, but I'm not going to let something get me down. Especially if it's not really that big of an issue. I try my hardest to look at the bright side of everything no matter how hard it is to find it. Well I'm a guy that has gone from down to up to down big time and back up again. It's taking some time to get where I was before, but you can't rush a good life. Being in a hurry will cause you to miss the important little things in life.
My Headlines From the Past
96) "God put you here for a reason. I don't care what you have or have not done in your past. God still has a purpose for you here on Earth. If you're still alive, you have something you can do in your future. It's never too late."
95) "If you think you're leading, but have no followers, then you're only taking a walk"
94) "If u have 2 much on your plate.Take a break.Ur 2 stressed out.U even look different when stressed.Learn 2 tell people,"No u cant help."You have/need 2 rest.U have something 2 do all the time.Its like it never ends.Quit making life so difficult for urself."
94) "Your life is God's gift to you and what you do with your life is your gift to God"
94) "If you don't go to church because you can't find the perfect church for yourself, you're never going to find one because there is no such thing as a perfect church"
93) "Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving and were thankful for it and for everything in your life and if you say you don't have anything to be thankful for.......check your pulse."
92) "Don't think you're the only one stuck on the island by yourself. There's someone else going through what you're going through if not worse. You guys can get off that island."
91) "You don’t have to be perfect for God to use you"
90) "Take care of your car/truck because a car/truck is just like a woman; if you don't take care of her she'll leave you stuck out in the middle of no where"
90) "If you doubt God’s love for you, you won’t believe His Word, the Bible, and yes God does love you "no matter" what you've done in your past."
89) "Love is not a feeling. Love is a commitment that produces an action that produces powerful feelings."
88) "The Bible is full of common sense, but guess what. Sooooo many people don’t have common sense. Common sense just isn't common anymore."
87) "Be careful what you pray for. If you pray for too much at one time, you just might get everything at the same time and not be able to handle it all at once."
86) "Don’t try to clean the fish before you catch it: Quit judging someone before you get to know them. People don’t need to know what’s wrong with them. They know that already. They need to know what can be right with them."
85) "Hallelujah is the highest praise"
84) "The more you sweat during preparations, the less bleeding you'll have in battles"
83) "Never let go of your faith just because it doesn't look or feel like it's working right. When you put away your faith, you're headed for a ship wreck."
82) "When you've done all you can, you have to just stop and trust God to finish doing what you couldn't finish"
81) "2008 is going to be your best year so far. If nothing good has happened to you yet, don't forget you still have 5 more months left of 2008. Stand in faith. Don't give up. You're a lot closer than you think to your blessing."
80) "It’s the devil's job is to get you to lose your faith. Never give up on your faith no matter how bad things seem to be getting. His only weapon is suggestion. You are more powerful than he is. He's more scared of you than you are of him.”
79) A pit bull can beat a skunk at any time, but then the dog soon realizes that the smell just isn’t worth it. Know which battles that are worth the fight and which ones that aren’t.”
78) Turn your problems into praises and turn your worries into worship"
77) There are times where you decide to walk away while Jesus keeps on calling you back”
76) What am I without God & Jesus Christ? Nothing. Ever feel empty inside at times, like something is missing? Well that's me without my God & Jesus Christ."
75) Life is like a fight. You’ll get hit quite a few times and maybe even knocked down a few times, but it’s all up to you to get back up on your feet and keep on fighting. Don't give up. You're a lot tougher than that.”
74) My song on my page is about healing, but your healing doesn't have to be just physical healing. It can be financial, emotional, spiritual or any kind of healing. What's your testimony? I know we all have one."
73) Never underestimate what God can do with what you have whether it's physically, mentally, financially or anything"
72) How do you get faith? Faith comes by hearing & hearing the Word of God. Not heard. It takes same amount of energy to worry, if not more, as it does to have faith. Which one would you pick?”
71) Faith is believing it before you see it. So technically you do see it 'cause you believe it. The world's way of thinking is you have to see it before believing it, but not a Christian. Start walking & talking like it's there."
70) "But because of His great love for us, God Who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in sin - it is by grace we are saved”
69) "You know that small voice reminding you of your negative past. That's the devil talking to you. When the enemy reminds you of your negative past, remind him of his future. He's already defeated.”
68) "Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and charge you more than you want to pay. Sin always costs and is a killer.”
67) "Praise is a spiritual weapon"
66) "You say, buy & do things just because you feel like it. If you let those emotions take control of your life, you might as well as stamp disaster over your life. Do not make decisions based on your feelings."
65) "There’s a lot of power in love & patience.”
64) "Husbands, with your wife you can either be right or you can be happy. You pick. You can save a lot of time and breath by just being happy. If you really love her she'll always be right. Don't fight pointless battles. Just be careful with who you marry."
63) "God created fish to swim, birds to fly, humans to worship. Worship is more than just sound." "When the praises go up, the blessings come down."
62) "Every night I turn my worries over to God. He’s going to be up all night anyway.”
61) "P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens. God will answer. It's a shame for people who quit the day before the day their prayer was going to be answered. Especially don't quit if God put something in your heart. Be patient and never give up. It'll come to pass.”
60) "I don't look at you by what you've done in your past. I look at you like God looks at you. He doesn't look at the bad things you've done. He looks at all the good things you've done in your past."
59) "God has a plan for you in life and that plan isn’t going to change just because something messed up somewhere in life and you don’t think it can come to pass anymore. If God put something in your heart, keep on working at it.”
58) "Lord you are good. So good all the time.- If you look back in your life, just remember all the times God's been good to you. He's helped you in life before, what makes you think He won't help you out again? God is so faithful."
57) "Satan is the author of confusion, so if you don’t want to be confused stay away from the author”
56) "Faith is a personal act. It is most pure when you have abandoned human understanding & when you choose to have child like trust in His divine inspiration and divine instruction.”
55) "If you do what you can do, God will do what you can’t do”
54) "Everyone who thinks God's mad at them, you're wrong. God's not mad at you; He's madly in love w/ you. No problem is too big for God not to handle and He's not surprised where you are today. He's ready to help you out in any situation you're in. Never doubt Him.”
53) "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord - Proverbs 18:22" "Men shouldn’t look at women as walking humans waiting to be conquered; men should look at women as walking Spirits”
52) "I don't mind speaking in tongues in public. I've sworn in public. Why can't I speak in tongues in public? I don't mind dancing for the Lord in public. I've danced in public. Why can't I dance for the Lord in public? I am not embarrassed of the Lord."
51) "Because of Jesus Christ and what He did; we have authority over satan. You don’t have to be scared of the devil. Satan doesn’t have authority over your life unless you give it to him.”
50) "Please God this year in a way that you've never done before and watch Him open new doors for you"
49) "If you think negative about whatever is going on in your life; you’ve already lost the battle"
48) "The only Jesus some people may see is the Jesus in you. Shine your light to as many people as u can. Be a blessing to someone. Even just a simple smile to a stranger could brighten their day so much. That may be something they need.”
47) "I see a lot of pages saying f*** love. I disagree with that so much. Why? Because my Heavenly Father, God and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ are love and nothing but love. They are every love you can think of."
46) "God is a promise keeper, not a promise breaker. Everything in the Bible is a promise to you.”
45) "I'm thankful for everything (big, small, good or bad) that's happened in 2007. The best part is that I've made it through 2007. Who here wants to believe with me that 2008 is going to be even better? You may say, "Well what if nothing better happens in 2008?" "Well what if something better does happens in 2008?" I'm a man full of hope, faith and a believer. I believe every year is going to get better and better. I now need you to believe with me. God will do the rest. Jesus Christ says in the Bible, "When 2 or more are gathered in His name, He's there with us." Now that doesn't mean that we have to be together. I am with you spiritually while you're reading this. Well you're one, I'm two and Jesus is three. Let us all agree that 2008 is going to be a better year than 2007, whether it was good or not. 2008 is going to be better regardless. Just keep on expecting. "Lord God, we thank You Father that you will bless everyone in the year 2008. We've all gone through some good and some bad times this past year, but we thank You for what you've put us through. You've helped us learn things this past year that will help us in the future. We thank You Father for everything You've done in our past and for the things still yet to come. In the Jesus' name we pray. Amen."
44) "When we’re in times of trials, it’s easy to forget about God’s grace. Fear not in the trials of life. Trust in God and He will deliver us.”
43) "No one knows the exact day Jesus Christ was born on, but the important thing is that we celebrate a day for His birthday"
42) "Prayer and faith is what moves the Hands that rule the world. There's no specific way to pray. Praying is just talking to God. Instead of praying about the same thing everyday, begin thanking God instead of asking Him.”
41) "[A merry heart doeth good like medicine] - Proverbs 17:22; in other words, stay cheerful and live a non sick life. [By His stripes we are healed.] - Isaiah 53:5"
40) "God will open doors that lead to victory and close doors that lead to evil”
39) "A lot of times people make things seem worse than what they really are when really it's not that bad”
38) "If you want to see how close to God you are, don’t look at yourself in the inside. Look at how you’re living your life."
37) "I don’t know why people need so much counseling when there are so many Bibles. All the answers to life are in the Bible.”
36) "I’m not going to let someone else’s misery affect my joy. They can do what they want to do, but I made up my mind that I’m going to be happy no matter what happens. I don’t care how bad it gets; I care how good it gets."
35) "Show me the biggest mountain or any kind of mountain that’s in your way in your life and then let me show you an even bigger God that can move that mountain out of your way"
34) "If what's going on in your life didn't kill you, then it must be there to perfect you and since you ain't dead go ahead and get better"
33) "Nothing can separate me from God’s love, His agape love”
32) "So many people are waiting on God to do something for them, but maybe it’s God waiting on them to do something before He can work in their life”
31) "There are people out in the world who a lot of times think about what they can't do when God thinks about what they can do"
30) "The BIGGER you make God, the smaller your problems will be"
29) "Faith....without it nothing impossible is possible in life”
28) "You don’t have to give your opinion on everything that people say because you weren’t put here on Earth to straighten everybody out"
27) "Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. You can make it out of that situation.”
26) "If you’ve done something horrible in your past, you shouldn’t say, “I should not have done that.” You need to be saying, “His mercy endures forever.” God is Holy. He is a Great BIG loving God.”
25) "Faith destroys all distance between God and man/woman and faith is what causes God to move things in your favor"
24) "Stop, drop and roll won’t work in Hell”
23) "I think a lot of people have a relationship with church, but they don’t have a relationship with Jesus. They don’t know about His faithfulness, His covenant, His mercy or His love."
22) "Jesus says, "If you forgive those who sin against you, your Heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father in Heaven will not forgive your sins."
21) "Faith is the victory. Faith doesn't struggle to get the victory. It is the victory."
20) "Fear tolerated is faith contaminated”
19) "I’m a Jesus chaser, not a religion pleaser”
18) "I rather have nothing and know Jesus, than have everything and not know Him”
17) "The spirit of faith doesn’t talk about what is going to happen or what will be. The spirit of faith talks about what is right now. You’re not going to be blessed. You are blessed now. You may not see it with your eyes, but you can with your faith.”
16) "Obedience to the Kingdom of God or God’s way of doing things and righteousness seeking will produce the physical manifestation in life for you”
15) "I don’t put my faith in something possible. I put my faith in something impossible.”
14) "God knows all the dumb things you’ve said and done in your past and knows all the dumb things you’re going to say and do in your future. And guess what ! ! ! He still loves you ! ! ! That’s just how good He is.”
13) "God doesn’t care what you’ve done in the past. Your sins have already been forgiven. God wants for you to come to Him as you are.”
12) "Marriage was patterned to illustrate Christ's love for the church and not same sex marriage. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. I'm no one to judge anyone, but I'm going by what the Bible says. God created us to reproduce."
11) "Selfishness creates a path for conflict. Love creates a path for peace. What love is, hate can never be. Selfishness is what causes marriages to turn into divorces.”
10) "Worrying causes nothing positive to happen”
9) "Death knocked on my door back in November of 2004, but Jesus Christ said, "No, don't answer it." So I just left death outside. Death isn't welcome in my life so soon.”
8) "I can sing in the troubled times. Sing when I win. I can sing when I lose my step and fall down again. I can sing ‘cause You pick me up. Sing ‘cause Your there. I can sing ‘cause You hear me, Lord when I call to You in prayer.”
7) "Every word a lady speaks should be like oxygen to a man. Guys should listen to everything they say.”
6) "There’s no other name above the name of Jesus. The wonderful name of Jesus. The powerful name of Jesus. We can call on Jesus at anytime of the day.”
5) "People need to hear the voice of God more outside the church than inside the church. The church isn't where the problems are. The problems are out in the world.”
4) "You don’t have to go to a fortune teller or anything like that to know about your future because the Word of God/Bible is the gateway to anything you’re trying to get to and the answer not to some things, but to everything”
3) "Your heart isn’t big enough to hold love for both God and the world.”
2) "Faith is believing it before U see it. So technically U do see it 'cause U believe it. The world's way of thinking is U have to see it before believing it, but not a Christian. Start walking, talking & acting like it's done." 'We walk by faith, not by sight.' - 2 Corinthians 5:7
1) "In the present culture it seems like everybody claims Christ, but no one has the lifestyle to match"
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God loving people, new people at school, and Craig Biggio

Ya it’s good to expect good things from God, but we need to start looking for the good things from God instead of just expecting good things”

My Blog


     One day, a man went to visit a church. He got there early, parked his car and got out. Another car pulled up near him. The driver got out and said, "I always park there! You took my place!"     T...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 08:14:00 GMT

The Power of One

Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 00:22:00 GMT

So it starts...T-Minus 1 day (A part of my brother's blog)

The purpose of this blog is to document my journey to practice 1,000 hours in one year. You might ask, "Steven, why on earth would you do such a thing?" Why did I choose 1,000 hours? It is loosely bas...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 05:58:00 GMT


Posted by on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:12:00 GMT


Here are 2 of his songs Just Wanna Say and Power of One that he preformed on TBN's Praise the Lord that comes from his new album, The Power of One that releases March 24th, 2009. The single Just Wanna...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 06:59:00 GMT

Israel Houghton: "You Are Good" w/ a little extra to the music

.. Performance from Sunday 12/21/08 11am service. Includes solo moments for drums, bass, guitar, and the horn section.
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 16:50:00 GMT

Check out this video: Honest Baby

Check out this video: Honest Baby
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 11:36:00 GMT

Daily Devotional: How to Deal With Your Issues

Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 14:00:00 GMT


LIFE WITHOUT LIMBSPart 1 Part 2 Part 3
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 19:52:00 GMT


You may have a few main friends that you hang around with all the time and you're the most positive thinker of them all. You make all the wise decisions while your friends are making stupid decisions....
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 14:26:00 GMT