Volleyball, Michigan Football, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Clearwater Beach, Faluka Lounge, Billiards, Beer
Presidents, sports stars, The Rock, Howard Stern, my Grand Pa
This seems to be true of all my friends as well, but I haven't been to the movies in forever! Not that I wouldn' go :-)
I love trash TV, as it can be a great stress reliever. OC, Sapronos, Lost, 24, Weeds are also some of my favorites.
I'm also a news junky and love talking about current events. I am a Republican, but I'm fairly moderate on social issues. Makes life in NYC a little tough sometimes ;-)
All-Time Favs: Clear & Present Danger, Running Man, Snow Wolf.Last read: Carl Hiaasen's 'Basket Case': has a wack-job reporter investigating the murder of a B-List 80s hairband rocker; very funny.Current Read: 'In the Lake of the Woods' by Tim O'Brien. Politician loses in a landslide due to a secret that came out during the campaign. A week later his wife is missing. Why did he lose? Where's the wife? Read the book! :-p
Can't rely on heroes... I rely on me :-)