im a simple person.grew up n riyadh & went bck hir n d phil. to continue my studies.i luv eatng chocolates,collectng bags & prfumes.luvs to drive my car n going to ader plces pro bnenta n.maga n dw kse q js wait for d new one.hehe.oftn mstaken a snob & mtaray by ader ppol,bt its not true,mayb bcoz of my physical appearnce bt il prove u wrong once u gt to knw me betr & not dt ol frst mpresion js shy in gritng frst f we're not dt close bcoz wt f d prson did not grit me bck?im also one of those typcal grls out der.i luv hangng out wd my frnds bt im not d total gimikera typ.der r js tyms dt i alwys go out on frday nyts or wikends bt f u dnt saw me out der,im js @ home sleeping.i js luv being myslf bcoz it fils gud being luvd of hu u rily r & not pretndng wat u r not.i dnt cre wat ader ppol myt think bout me as long as im not doin anythin wrong.sum r js hypocrites hu r only insecure dts y dey kip on criticizing ader ppol & not mindng deyr own business.i hate pretntions.f i dnt lyk u,wel sori i dnt.meh pgkprangka dn f i did not tel u anythng,js b a keen observr & think bout it.god mayb ur not dt manhid nman.sumtyms moody,mkulit as in sobra,mdaling ptawanin (mbbaw lng po aq kya nman tears do easily fol too) & ol out luvlyf?as of now im luvles (d hell i cre db?im not in a hurry & i knw nde nman mauubos ang guys) nde aq nanloloko ng guys (bfor un?!now?haha.*winks*) lage n lng aq ang nloloko at iniiwan.dnt knw y?mayb im js stupd in pickng out guys.havnt found d ryt prson yet.f dstny dcyds,it is stil my choice dt wil b f one day he cums bck & i stil luv him,y not?bt f dt day cums dt i dnt luv dt jerk anymor,no matr wat he sed or do, prove to him dt once he let me go,he cn nvr hv me bck & he wil js b a prt of my past (lucky for him f i rily do included him n my past.its true,ask dem) & bsyds its not my lost nman.guys r js d same deyl mke u bliv dt dey love u & dt dey do cre bt wat hpens n d end?guys na d aq kyang pasgutin & guys hu r js planing to hurt me?get aparently i hv no rgrets,il b mor proud to thank dem for teachng me n bcoming a much betr prson.thanks.i mst admt ive done mistkes bt wat matrs is dt im chngng for d best & not for d worst & by learning frm d xperience & undrstndng out things clearly.i js wnt to b single ryt now,to do anythng i wnt & i luv myslf mor dan bfor..Ü want to know more? read it in my friendster accounts...
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YM: k_anne020