Brock Mills profile picture

Brock Mills

About Me

This is Brock T.Mills. I'm from Brownsville, Brooklyn. I'm the youngest of the three Mills brothers. I really don't know what else to say. I mean I do but I just don't want to. The book will be out soon and I wouldn't want to ruin it for anyone. Nah I'm j/k but music is a big part of my life and I know it seems like everyone is rapping nowadays but it's much bigger than that now. I remember stacking cassettes with my older brother. A lot of these kids today wouldn't even know how to put the tape back into the cassette if the radio ate it. It's bigger than ever. I'm a part of a group that went by the name of T.Mills & Mosta but now It's Brock Mills & Mosta. I know exactly what your thinking. Your thinking about those CD's I pressed up that said T.Mills. It's ok because they can become nostalgic items, collector pieces. So when you get one keep it in a safe place. You should buy 2. Ya know, keep it in plastic cause' it's a classic. As aforementioned I am from Brownsville, Brooklyn. She is from Philadelphia also known as Killadelphia also known as Illadelph. Together we've been at this for a year and counting. Our main thing is making something different and creative. If you say its weak I could care less. As longs as it's some different weak shit. It could be the weakest shit but I'm fine if it's different from another rappers weak shit. I'm content. Hip Hop is a great thing. We have this vehicle here that gives us the opportunity to make money, have fun and see the world. All at the same time. Shit! Does it get any better than that ?There's more than enough room for everyone. So make way cuz here we come!!

I made my myspace layout using

My HoUsE + JuSt LoOkInG + WhErE yOu At? + Invite + NuMbEr OnE + TmAiL mE + BlOg + FaVs + FoRuM + GrOups + EvEnTs + ThE gAmEs + SoUnDs + ClAsSiFiEdS

My Interests


Member Since: 04/08/2006
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Influences: SilkHash first and foremost. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be doing this. Luv ya bro! Nas, Tribe Called Quest, Jay-Z, Rakim. If I failed to mention ya name blame the brain.
Sounds Like: None Other, and most of the ish isn't even mixed. But of course there will be comparison because we're not the first to do it. Call me whatever, just don't call me collect. If anybody needs a feature holla at us! Read along with the lyrics if your having trouble keeping up. Peace.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

A Different Kind Of Concussion

Sipping that red wine, rose pedal peelingShe loves me not, I'm God fearingSays I'm hard of hearing, stubbornMy pride if she leaves will force me to move onIn a matter of weeks, I'm finding solace in a...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 19:45:00 GMT

nAmE cHaNgE

      Okay I know, I know another "rapper" changes his name. Diddy's done it about 94 times. I think C-Murder changed his for a brief period. Some rappers get older but ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 00:14:00 GMT

BrOcK mIlLs On CoLd BlOoDeD

Before I am a rapper I am a writer. I figure that should go without saying, but I like to put things into stories. I'm probably a little too technical at times because after all it's just rap but shit...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 18:57:00 GMT

Why Blogs?

       There is gonna be a critic no matter what the fuck you do. If you have the amazing ability to run backwards someone is gonna have some shit to say. "That fool gonn...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 03:23:00 GMT