Any type of sport: baseball, basketball, golf, skiing, football, racquetbal: Jamie and I have been playing a good bit lately and that's such a fun sport. I love to cook when I have the time and a big enough kitchen. I also like to read and write. I'd love to open a restaurant someday.... that's about it..
U2, David Crowder, JJ Alberhasky, Wide Blue, Dave Matthews, Counting Crows, Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, and other stuff.
Movies I've seen lately: I just bought a TiVo with a dvd recorder so I've been watching lots of HBO movies and recording them such as Along came Polly, Spanglish, and other movies that came out last year. I saw Harry Potter 4 last thrusday at midnight and am looking forward to seeing Rent!!!! and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Amazing Race: Family Edition, Grey's Anatomy, The Apprentice, Arrested Development, Sportscenter, Boy Meets World, etc.
Brother's K, Sophies Choice, Moneyball, Chronicles of Narnia, anything by Henri Nouwen, Frederick Buechner, or Andrew Murray, Ragamuffin Gospel, Rule of Four, Huck Finn