About Me

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MAC NIFTY real name chris mac)

My Interests


Member Since: 2/21/2005
Band Website:
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Now playing: MindState Records

In order to view / play more than 200 you must click the MindState Records name in the top of this player to see/play all the tracks produced by Mac Nifty. King of the underground. There is no bigger


Mac Nifty. Michigans Elite Producer bumping tracks to bump to. Sound is the mathematical master giving the additional vibe your soul needs badly. Copy the video codes, add the songs, comment, or steal pictures and post them on your page to show your love for the undisputed underground king of music.

I have combined all my skills, services, products into under one name now

Detroit Monster.

Detroit Monster is the beast in the streets and internet, pumping product and services.

Combining MindState Records recording studio with Gods Graphics

MindState Records -

album artwork - cd / dvd duplication - audio mastering - production - 24bit sample dvds - now combined and added with Gods Graphics to add more products and services.

Gods Graphics -

dye sublimination / solvent / inkjet / laser color printing -

Vinyl film graphics die cut, cnc cut - signs both flat (street - wall) and frame box signs with backlit display with led or flourescent - backlit posters / pictures - billboards / murals (paint and vinyl) - auto / bike / boat / trailer / window decals, wraps & graphics - business & home interior and exterior graphics - textile clothing & product printing with Airbrush / vinyl / flock / rhinestone, heat pressed graphics like jerseys / flags / shirts / leathers / synthetics / cotton or dye sublimination for full digital prints -

web design & graphics for company presentation & store sites, networking sites such as myspace / soundclick / ebay / - adobe flash designed content for fully interactive works of art and function - video filming - photo shoots for artists and products - editing and master output

My services combined create an unequal in quality, final design and product.


Providing my lifetime guarantee to all my products and services because all materials and process of product is all the best there is to buy. You simply cannot find better.

My business model has no competition that can offer all the services I can provide.

You go from thought and idea to finished Music Albums, Commericial spots, voice overs, Big displays of graphics for Big attention in video, physical graphics, internet and product in whatever you support and do. Call me and tell me you want your brick and mortar & internet store to gain more notice it's Gods Graphics or to release a new album to be out there for everyone to buy and listen to with that definitive punch and clarity. MindState Records can do that for you. Tell me you want to customize your motorcycle, boat or car, Gods Graphics can do that for you.

MindState Records and Gods Graphics,


Have no idea what you may want? Let me help consult what I think you may need or want right now. To create or simply add on to something. Have me help you get noticed and be the conversation piece.

Whether you visit my business in person or on the net I promise and assure you will be more than just satisfied with the satisfaction that whatever you order is made just for you and fresh. Not sitting around on the shelf collecting dust and you will love the,

quick and free overnight shipment of any product you purchase from me.

Double sealed and protected from the shipping process only to arrive as should.

I offer the same print as any retail product we all buy for top dollar. And the more you order the lesser in price per item.

For instance:

Order just 1 shirt with 2 square foot of only frontal coverage. $8.

Order 2 shirts then $7.50 per item and so on.

And the pricing later in bulk orders adjust low enough you can add more coverage of print to the clothing. Like full wrap arounds on the clothing. Like where the design is not just on the front and back but has the background sprawling around from front to back.

Repeat orders / Clients always will get the utter most urgent treatment and respect. Pricing and special offers and incentives. I will treat you right and throw in ideas that nobody else is doing

to give you that edge where people ask "whoa, where did you buy that?"

I will make sure you are completely and always satisfied with how you present yourself with what I can do for you and your business model or personal lifestyle.

check out the new video i just uploaded. A little grainy however. I am in the process of purchasing a full HD rig to make full HD videos. But right now I uploaded today a new video demonstrating some more product designs and ideas.

You may call me anytime 248-982-2456 or email me at
my name is Chris or MacNifty my artist name.

ONLINE STORE COMING SOON.... (working on it now)

Influences: Influence is simple. A family with structure, without being torn apart by disloyalty and betrayal. Without negative influence seeping into the bloodline. But that isn't true for all of us. And definetly not for me. My influence is to weed out all the bad ones. I am the streets lyrical vigilante. I take no shit in real life and basicly put that into the powerful mixes you listen to by me. Urban Decay.
Sounds Like: ThreeSixMafia,Eminem,DMX,ICP,Esham,Outkast,DrDre,DJ Godfather, DJ Magic Mike, Kid Fury, Bass 305, Techmaster PEB, Fresh Kid Ice, Rhyme Syndicate, Public Enemy, KRS 1, Wordsworth, $ykoe, MacNifty , and more

My Blog

Can i steal your material? How do you feel today Sykoe?

look . i dont give a shit if people steal all my cds, all my songs, all my art, all my videos.. all my everything.thats the whole pointbut all i ask is that for every cd, song, picture, whatever it is...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 08:17:00 GMT