After a while you find out its not the words a person says to you that builds trust, its their actions. They say knowledge is power, and its only sad that after you get to know a person, your feelings for them completely change. The longer it takes to build knowledge of a person, the harder it is change your view on them. My theory is, dont trust anyone...until you know a person completely. My stomach feels weak, but that only makes me human. Destruction of a person builds character.derick reese by day...deadly zombie assassin by night. ok not really but we can all dream. born and raised in virginia...boring huh? lol. im pretty much the most simple yet complex person youll ever meet. its hart to figure me out but those that do i consider best friends. i go to svcc...although im out for this semester. i plan on being a electronics engineer (or mechanical). i work at south hill cinema...not much money at all but i love it... the most important person in the world to me is jocelynn lee hahnel. shes completely and honestly beyond amazing. we started as close friends and now shes the best friend anyone could ever ask for. we have been through thick and thin, lows and highs, but every second i spend with her is another second i will never forget. i honestly think i have found my true love. not only being sappy but she is the most beautiful, smartest, funniest, sexiest, caring, most down to earth person ive ever laid eyes on. baby if youre reading this i know we have big plans for life and i hope every single day that we make those dreams come true. i wanna wake up every morning for the rest of my life and turn over and kiss you. be my jocelynn, dollface, sugar sweet squirrel forever? and please never forget...i love you MORE!!! :)
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