Partying, The ozarks, Canoeing with friends, Country concerts, doing hair, Ordering Meatless Cheeseburgers, Kicking ass...Blah Blah Blaha
A cutie with a personality and some nice features for my best buddy Louis Anthony. Other than that the norm...Madonna, Hillary Rhodam Clinton, GodI can't wait to meet my son.. Get Images | a href='http://www.photobucket.c
Country.. Country...
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Juno, Sweetest Thing, Wedding Crashers, Uptown Girls, CLueless, Goonies, Old School, my home documentaries from when i was little "summer scum and winter nobody"
re-runs of sex and the city
I don't have time to read booksScarlett O'Hara used to say, 'I'll think about it tomorrow.' It's tempting to take up the same philosophy, but it might not really be in your best interests. The best time to think about tomorrow is today.
My grandma Dottie... She sees the world through one eye. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.