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whaT caN i saY. i gO bY moY oR moiseS. ivE beeN rulinG thiS worlD sincE 11/8/08. sO iM 14 yearS olD. i attenD narbonnE higH. iM a freshmaN. fucK a hateR. hateD bai mosT loveD bai feW. singlE buT talkinG<$$ iF yoU donT likE mE geT tHE fucK ofF mY profilE. playinG sportS iS mY thinG. iM shY aT firsT buT theN oncE yoU geT tO knoW mE iM prettY kooL anD chilL. letS talK<$$ Get This Layout! I got this layout from

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selinA I lovE yoU sO mucH babE.<3wassshh upp, myspace fellerZ && fellaZ ! this is LiiLYYY, hacKking this FoOoOoOoOoOoO " MALCOM's " page ! wuhh can i say about himm he is one funny guy, he thinks hes a thug like me buhh SiiiKE ! Lolthiss doode is too funnyyy he keeps me laughing all day ! exept ferr 3 preiod cause im too busy sleeping . Lol buhh wait maybe yeaaaaaa in 3rd too cause he always wakes me up ! Lol yew need too get too kn0w this guy once yew do yewr never gonnah have a problem laughing EVERRR ! wuhh do yew wannah kn0w about himm, well dont ask me ask himm ! mwwuuahahahahahahhahahahaha :] he thinKks he is cOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoL juss cause his name is MALCOM && he has a brother nae alfonso, a sister named suzy, a dog name spike, a cat named fluffy, a dog/cat name SPLUFFY ! ← hahahahaha MALCOM is cool though ! SiiiiKE :]jusskiddiN !alrightthennFoOoOoOoOoOoOoOlatesss ! - LiiLYYY

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