i dont really have any interests. i just like to hang out with my friends and get fucked up one way or another.
i dont really want to meet anyone in particular just someone i can talk to and get along with. out of all the famous people in the world i would have to say that i would want to meet the richest man in the world so he could tell me how to retire before i turn 21 because i think that is one of everyones wishes, not to worry about money ever again in their lives.
i like hip hop, r&b, and some rap. (depends on who it is and if the beat knocks)
i like horror movies even though they dont really scare me. i also like sci-fi and fantsey because it lets me excape from the real world even if only for a hour or so.
i like cartoons the most just ask anyone who knows me. i love flavor of love because that shit is fucking hilarous and if you dont think so then your a dumbass. there is nothing funnyer than bitches fighting over a man. i also like csi,realworld/roadrule challeng,supernatural(those guys are hott!),and other shows i cant think of right now. and last but certainly not the least my abc soap operas.
jacqueline --
A person who laughs at anything (even this entry)
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
i love the harry potter series. i like fantasey and fiction books. i hate non fiction books. (they are soooo boring)oh and i love books that lets you deside what is going to happen by your decisions.