didnt we go over this? In case you have a really bad case of short term memory loss ill list some for youAnime Spinning some choons smoking some damn fine reefer computers late night bullshit sessions over a shot of JD and a cold beerugh, i really hate this shit i feel like im filling out a personal ad. If you really want to know what interests me just ask. :)
LSD conversations.
Me: "You know, i really need you here right now. I need someone sober to do complex shit for me, like telephone calls, tying my shoes, basic human functions."
Me: "You know, if its one thing ive learned today it's this. Nitrous can turn an amazing trip into an absolute horror in an instant. In the 5 minutes it took you to leave and come back i officially flipped out, and thought i was crazy. All i could think and say was 'everything is going sideways, why the fuck cant i stop the sideways'. It's trips like those that just fucking scare the crap out of you, but when you come down you're just like 'goddamn that was intense! ....Where's the cracker at?' :psssssssssh:"
Random campfire conversation:
Friend: "You know, building a fire is going to be a lot easier once we figure out how to get the fire in the wood"
Me: "You know, we'd be able to figure that certain problem out had we not ingested massive amounts of psychedellics before the sun went down"
Friend: "True, but, then what fun would the fire be?"
Friend: "You know why i like LSD better then mushrooms? Because on LSD you can accomplish things, at least in the manner that if you set out to do things it will be done. Take smoking a bowl for example. On mushrooms you think about smoking a bowl, drift off, 10 minutes later realize you wanted to smoke. Then, you pull out the bag and admire the pot, drift off again, repeat this for about an hr before it gets to the point where you finally do it. Mind you, in the hour or two it took you to pack one bowl it usually feels like 2 minutes. When you're tripping on LSD your bowl is packed before you finish the thought in your head."
Me: "yah, but on acid, while you may have packed the bowl quicker it takes you two hours to figure out how to work the safety on your lighter."
Friends GF on LSD for the first time: The stars are attacking me!
Aim funnehs:
eek: but NO
eek: you must use your own shit
eek: and jerk off with it
Hect: no no i know
Hect: im just saying
Hect: i have a lot of shit on hand right now
Hect: :)
Hect: :rimshot:
ANYTHING, i used to say i dont like country, but since ive moved down to AR ive been subjected to some real terrible country music. However out of the countless hrs spent at club west (dont laugh, i knew a bartender got free food and booze, and that was the ONLY reason i went) i have heard a few songs that i could actually get into. But mainly i listen to your average jam bands, EDM, jazz, and classic rock.
Donnie Darko, Biozombie, Resevoir Dogs, Indianna jones triolgy, Spaceballs, Boiler room, LOTR, Killbill Vol1+2, Any gangland movie, Any kung fu flick, really bad movies on cable tv and skinemax :)
fuck tv
Hmmm i dunno, i used to read a lot but that's changed since i dont have time to truly enjoy a good book. But i read a lot of stephen king, patrica cornwell, george orwell, jd salinger, and i really wanna tackle some of pynchyons books but i dont have the time to devote to them
James Bock Ed rosenthal bob dylan and my cat cuz she owns you.