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About Me

Hi there. I am Danielle, Rick's niece. I wanted to put up a memorial page for Rick, because I know how much his fans love him!

My friend and The Band's number one fan, Bryson, took his own life last October. He was an ardent fan and made this page what it is today. Without him, I don't know what I would have done. Another friend from The Cracker's page, stepped up to the plate and is helping me keep this page updated and alive. Don't forget or hesitate to thank them for their hard work! Unfortunately, where I live at the moment does not have DSL or cable, so I am stuck with dial up and don't get to this page as often as I would like. Once I figure out my internet situation, I will add more pictures, etc...Thanks again to all the fans!

With alot of help from my friend Bryson, the page is coming along! The only thing I did was add some pictures. I am going to be working on getting some of my tapes and videos onto disks so I can load them onto myspace. I have a ton of videos here, including some footage of him playing and singing at my wedding. There is also a hefty stash of tapes which I think everyone who loves Rick will enjoy! Don't hold your breath though, this is going to be a project!

Thank you all for your love of Rick, and your patience with me!

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