P R E S S / E N G
Bel Esprit is melodic, playful and passionate ROCK, free spirited, visionary and soulful FOLK, imaginative, surprising and original song writing, scientific, experimental and adventurous storytelling, emotional, puzzled and wondrous POP, affectionate, innovative beats, spiced with a dynamic performance.
With their unique style and sound the audience is introduced to catchy tunes, thorough compositions and integrated accompaniment. This band rocks, folks and pops!
P R E S S / D K
Træd ind i et nyt univers, hvor magiske og fantastiske musikalske oplevelser kommer til at præge resten af dit liv! Bel Esprit er store køller mod dirrende bastrommer. Metalstænger i raid mod raslende muslingeskaller og rustne fjedre. Forvrænget akustisk guitar, kornet kontrabas, slidt elektrisk guitar og vrængende rusten vokal.
Bel Esprit er også fjerlet fingertromme på kasse og tamburin. Svævende bækkener og tyktflydende bas, klangelig western, drømmende sixstrings og silkeblød vokaliseren. En eminent sound, som kildrer og kradser i øregangen og forkæler sjælen i elskovsscener mellem tung poetisk Tom Waits og romantiske The Beatles.
Bel Esprit er et band i konstant intergalaktisk musikalsk bevægelse. Altid med særlig vægt på den gode gennemarbejdede melodi. Altid leveret følsomt og dynamisk opsat i en ærlig, direkte og autentisk scenefremtræden.
T H E - D E M O
This DEMO is a product of a live recording session in the summer 2008 by the then newly formed constellation Bel Esprit.
01 Hula Girl..........................................4.51
02 Dead Wrong ....................................4.12
03 Through The Streets Of Mediggo.........4.28
04 I Can’t Read....................................4.48
P R E V I O U S L Y:
25. apr. 2009 Godsbanen
23. apr. 2009 Skråen
10. apr. 2009 Plantagehuset
3. mar. 2009 Huset "kapelmester koncert"
19. feb. 2009 Fatter Eskil
7. feb. 2009 Asa gravplads invielse
26. dec. 2008 Café Von Hatten
9. dec. 2008 Gyngen
27. okt. 2008 Entré Scenen
23. aug. 2008 På Den Grønne Gren
14. aug. 2008 Fatter Eskil
9. aug. 2008 Café Von Hatten
24. maj. 2008 "Støtte koncert til fordel for Hjerteforeningen"
16. maj. 2008 Studenterhuset Aalborg "Way Up North."
10. apr. 2008 Studenterhuset Aalborg "Musikkens Dag."
21. mar. 2008 URT
W H A T ' S - N E W:
Bel Esprit is currently looking for gigs and collaboration in all Scandinavia and Germany. If interested please feel free to contact us....
L Y R I C S:
Through The Streets Of Mediggo
Sunbeams are dancing in my room/and I can see them smile at something/And when they’re entering the room/I make my way down to her face/Please come and do survive/You are everything I please/Hoping to dive right into your hearth and feel the slide/
Because I really want to make you mine/Because I’d really like to push you to the sun/
I see them crosses by the road/I’m telling them farewell in halftime/ when everything is a joke/I make myself blow harder/Please come/Do survive/ You are everything I see/Hoping to dive right into your heart and feel the slide/
/The sun breathes through you/The sun really- is you/But you are leaving me out of the fire/Leaving me out of your fire/
Hula Girl
Life isn’t cool/Thinking of you/It’s a broken fuse/And a hell-like state of mind/Wake me up when I am old/Ready to rest my skinny bones/While gazing at the moon/
I live in despair/Waiting for you/Everyday I wish I had a clue/There’s a nightmare in these bones/Waiting for you- silly girl- to fill my empty soul/
Blame is all I have/I can’t find a quiet place to stay/Your memory has lost its way/ I’m convinced that in your hearth I fade away/Blame is all I have and I can’t find a quiet place to stay/
L I N K S - B E L E S P R I T - S I T E S:
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