I work, I play, I hardly rest. I've laughed with the sinners, I've cried with the saints, I've been depressed and confused. I've hugged the poor, I've drank with the rich. I've loved; I've lost and debated its worth. I've bled, I've inflicted pain, I've inspired, I've given joy. I've watched life begin and witnessed a child's first breathe of life, I've held a man as he looked up at me and took his last breathe before death. I'm an old soul, I'm mature, I'm a kid. I'm Italian, I'm a crooner, I'm a comedian. I forgive, I forget and I've felt the consequences, both the good and the bad. I've grown, I've settled, I've lived, I need more time. I'm simple, I'm easy, I'm very complex. My book has many chapters, but if you have some time, I'll read it to you.....
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