and his dog trigger , except when she keeps him awake all night long.
he likes his fishing although it involves sanding in mud up to our knees for a v. long time!
daddy also likes to think he is the best at poker on our poker nights at smith st. he only occasionally wins it all! - canada,cookie and slug have been known to beat him however (some more than the others anyway).
Fast food and rum is good...
however powie does have his flaws too, like when he tells us to go to places leaving out the fact you'll have to treck up a mountain to get there (thnx daddy) and hmm can't think of many more - things i rate bout powie - playing fifa till 5am although on some level of his brain has to be asleep, letting me video him when he's asleep - always good entertainment.being our life advisor,always going on misssions 4 fast food for us all, bringing trigs round due to our pining over our own dogs. taking us fishing - although only the once,but thats ok we loved it. his opoker playing shuffling - ace of spades - be warned everyone!!
this is my take on my daddy - aptly named as someone once mistook me for his daughter, goodtimesgoodtimes.