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I am here for Friends

About Me

Basics....My name is Moniquica, my friends and everyone I work with call me Mo, only cuz its easier to say. Sammers calls me Yang though. And my Michelle calls me Squeak. I'm recently 19. But I dont look it. Sometimes I look older, most of the time I look younger. But I dont act my age. I act older than I am. I grew up too fast. I think that's why I dont get along with too many people my age. Because sometimes I just act too mature. But I cant help it. But I do have my moments when I can be normal, or I can be a kid. Those moments come when I'm at work. I work at a daycare center at my high school and I love it. I've been deemed one of those "sainted people who have patience for other people's kids" And its true. I can handle almost any kid. But I cant handle stupid people. I dont have a problem with most people....stupid people I cant handle. And I have Sam to thank for that, thanks darlin. I had no problem with them til he came along. lets see what else? I'm a very sensitive person, and its really really bad. You know that Cheerios commercial with the baby in the high chair, and his grandma is telling him where the family is for christmas? yeah, that makes me cry. And its not even a sad commercial. Its just really cute. But on the flip side, I love laughing. And laughter in general. It is by far the best sound on earth. There's nothing better than that sound. I laugh a lot. Maybe too much. Little kids crack me up. They just fascinate me. And I cant wait to have my own. I am waiting....but I do want kids some day. as for now, I'm gonna stick to life the way it is. I've got someone that I love, and who loves me back. And we're happy and things are goin good. I just dont wanna go and mess it all up. And if it werent for Dave and Sarah keeping me sane, I probably would have messed it up already. Thank you Sarah and thank you Darlin. Especially cuz you listen to me bitch and moan. lol But I'd be lost without you. and I've listed him as my hero, but there's a reason for it. He's gone that extra mile when he doesnt have to. And I love him dearly for it. He's the love of my life and part of the reason I keep walking. I owe a lot to him and I'd be devastated without him. And its too bad he thinks I'm the only one who feels that way. But Sammers you know I love you and I'm more than willing to go through with you. I'm amazed its lasted this long. And I hope that next 19 years thing was a promise, not just empty words. Cuz I'm holding you to it. =)
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My Interests

-modeling (not professionally.)
-playing football with my sisters and old neighbors

I'm basically a "do it all" kinda girl

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I'd like to meet:

I dont need anyone else.
~About You~
Name: Moniquica
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 108
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Date Of Birth: November 10
~About Him~
Name: Sam
Age: 21
Height: close to 6 feet
Weight: 185
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: bluuue with spots o' brown
Eye Color: you asked that already
Date Of Birth: May 16
~When You Met~
When Did you Meet: last year
Where Did You Meet: we had two classes together
Who Made The First Move: he did
What Did You Think The First Time You Saw Him: the first time I saw him I thought he was really hot
What Did He Think The First Time He Saw You: he thought I was hot
Did You Give Him Your Number The First Day: no. I think I gave him my address before I gave him my phone number =X
What Were You Wearing: I dont remember
What Was He Wearing: I have no idea. probably a t shirt and jeans
~First Date~
Where Did You Go: his place to watch tv
What Did You Do: watch tv
Where You Alone: yupp
Were You Nervous: you betcha
Was He Nervous: I doubt it. he knew he had me
Did You Kiss: first date? I dont think so
~First Kiss~
Where Were You: his place
When Was It: second date?
Who Kissed Who: he kissed me
Did You Regret It: absolutely not
What Was It Like: it was nice. soft
~First I love You~
Who Said It First: I did
How Did You Say It: I think it was a text message. lol
How Did He Say it: AIM
When Was It: a long time ago
Where Were You: here. he was at school
Why Did You Say It: because thats how I felt about him
~First Fight~
What Was It Over: my lack of decision making. it was like our third date. lol
Who Was At Fault: me
Did You Break-up Over It: no
Who Said Sorry First: me
Did You Fight About It Again Later: still do, a year later
~Do You~
Do You Hug Alot: yes
Do You Fight Alot: kinda
Do You Kiss Alot: oh yeah
Do You Hold Hands Alot: he's not big on hand holding....but we do
~Have You/Has He~
Have You Ever Seen Him Cry: yes
Has He Ever Seen You Cry: oh yes
Have You Ever Made Him Cry: yes
Has He Ever Made You Cry: yes
Have You Ever Told Him You Hated Him: jokingly
Has He Ever Told You He Hated You: no
Whats The Sweetest Thing You've Ever Done For Him: his anniversary gift from me
Whats The Sweetest Things He's Done For You: christmas gift
Whats The Sweetest Thing You've Said To Him: "you're the most important person in my life"
Whats The Sweetest Thing He's Said To You: "i just want to be with you" or "you're the only girl for me"
Whats The Sweetest Thing You've Made Him: anniversary gift
Whats The Sweetest Thing He's Made You: christmas gift
How Long Have You Been Together: a year on March 23
Has He Met Your Family: yes
Have You Met His: yes
Do You Have Nicknames For Each other? If Yes, What: he's blue or yin and I'm babe or yang
What Are His Strengths In The Relationship: he makes me happier than anyone else can
What Are His Weaknesses: he's not patient enough with me
What Are Your Strengths: i dont have any. =(
What Are Your Weaknesses: i cant talk to him. =(
Do You Want To Marry Him: i plan on it
When: a few years
Where: here
Do You Want Kids: yes
How Many: 2
Names: Tristan William and Aeris Natalia
Where Do You Want To Live: the Cape i would imagine
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I listen to any and everything.


Anything starring Johnny Depp. The one man over 40 who I would use the phrase "you cant rape the willing" with. comedies....and love stories.....action....I dont care....but I'm not a big fan of the kung foo and the horrors. Everything else I can deal with. Oh and nothing gorey...and no shaving the skin off your legs....ick!


I watch just about anything. But I'm not a fan of the medical shows. And shows that feature people breaking their legs. Oh God that was gross. But uh yeah. Anything else. I'm game


Lots of Books. But my favorite has to be The Da Vinci Code.


I have to add Sampson as one of my heroes. He's a literal hero to me. And if he reads this he's probably going to kill me. But he's the one person who's cared enough to want to take care of me. And want to make things better for me. I'm not sure why he thinks I deserve him, cuz I dont. But I thank him for everything he's done for me.ILY Sammers =)

My Blog

10 random things

10 random things 1.  I am in love 2.  I love one of my two jobs 3.  Cadbury mini eggs are AMAZING 4. ...
Posted by Moseph! on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 07:10:00 PST

This is NOT a suicide note.

Its quotes from a book that I read at work today.  Its about "where you go after you die"  I thought it was really good so I wrote down some of the words......okay it was half the book. ...
Posted by Moseph! on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 06:19:00 PST

I love Katie!!

My name: Mo Take a stab at my middle name: shit How long have you known me? um 8 years When is the last time we saw each other? at ur party Do I smoke?no Am I a virgin? as much as i am Do I believe in...
Posted by Moseph! on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 07:49:00 PST


Neglected Empty and alone I'm always on my own. I live my life in solitude, but you all think its attitude. If only you knew, half the shit that i go through, maybe then you'll understand, why I feel ...
Posted by Moseph! on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 02:47:00 PST

feel eet oot beetches

1. Have we kissed? 2. Do you want to? 3. What would you like our relationship to be? 4. Have we dated? 5. Did you like it? 6. Do you want to date? 7. Are we close friends? 8. Would you be here ...
Posted by Moseph! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fill it out if you wish

I stole this from Vici's bulletin. Yeah thats what I did. Fill it out BITCHES!!!! Fill it out and send it back to the person that posted this. Then repost it for your friends. 1. Your Na...
Posted by Moseph! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Crush quiz thing

--> c r u s h I n . . . [x] Pre-School: Didnt go to preschool [x] Kindergarten: I dont remember [x] 1st Grade: same [x] 2nd Grade: same [x] 3rd Grade: Rone [x] 4th Grade: Rone [x] 5th Grade: Br...
Posted by Moseph! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Things are starting to get better. Amen for that. But I'm keeping my background because its beautiful. I'm really happy about Taylor...and getting in touch with Kyle. That's really the reason I'm ...
Posted by Moseph! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


The colors of my page are dark colors because I've been incredibly depressed lately. Once I get happy again I'll make the colors promises.
Posted by Moseph! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST