Anti-War Alliance profile picture

Anti-War Alliance

About Me

About me:
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Welcome to Anti-War Alliance. We are a secular group run by teenagers and young adults that believes all conflicts should be resolved peacefully through diplomatic efforts rather than military actions. We feel that it is our duty as members of society to show the older generations that war is an obselete way of dealing with political matters. That diplomacy and peacful resolutions are ALWAYS the best way.
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Issues we are involved in: Counter recruitment, showing students seeking the army as a means for college other options, the Iraq War.
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We are a new organization and are looking for anyone that belives in our cause. If you agree with us, add us. It is that easy.

My Blog

Minimum wage increase shot down by senate.

Last night a bill to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour over the course of three years was voted down by the senate (56-42). This leaves 15 million hard working Americans with a littl...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 15:49:00 GMT