How Counting Crows made me love music |
On Valentine's Day 1994, my friend Sarah received the Counting Crows' August and Everything After from her parents. I had never heard of the band and was a little skeptical of the music sin... Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 04:24:00 GMT |
A Real Job |
I'm seriously considering getting a real job.And by that I mean something that I go to every weekday until I retire or die or get sick of it or get laid off. I don't know how much more I can tak... Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:26:00 GMT |
Diving into the Pier |
I hate Navy Pier. I don't think I'm stating anything out of the ordinary for most Chicagoans (and after being here for 5 years now, I think I can occasionally refer to myself as such). In ... Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:03:00 GMT |
Pirating. A blog not about pirates. Not swashbuckling ones anyway. |
There are many topics about which I'm conflicted because I can relate to both sides of the argument.Music pirating is one of them.I've become a big lover of the library over the past few months, and i... Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 21:43:00 GMT |
Musings at the laundromat |
I bet people with underwear fetishes love coming here.Do people wonder why I have several different styles of undies?Do other people have as many different styles as I do?God, I hate folding.Why is Je... Posted by on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 14:49:00 GMT |
DVR: Blessing or curse? |
I'm not sure I've firmly established it in my blog, but I like television. I'm discerning in the fact that I won't watch crap, especially in the reality category. However, I'm not so disc... Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 21:27:00 GMT |
Dyou know what I mean? |
Yes, I do, but I assure you if I don't I will let you know.I hate it when people interject this into their speech. Say it and be done! Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:32:00 GMT |
Stupid ice hole. |
My car. fell into. a hole of ice.I drove home from rehearsal tonight and parked on a street one block over. As I was pulling my car into the space, the right side of my car dropped d... Posted by on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 21:17:00 GMT |
Something you can do for me. |
This was stolen from E!'s Kristin Dos Santos' website. I think she says it best. And with pictures. Friday Night Lights is my absolute favorite show on TV, and you should watch it. E... Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 15:04:00 GMT |
Snow! |
I had dreams last night about waking up this morning and checking to see if Chicago Public Schools were closed because of the snow. In my dream I woke up and saw that all the snow had melted.&n... Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 07:29:00 GMT |