music is my life, rachel is my love. i hate work and i hate money. i play many instruments but none of them exceptionally well. i love reading but cant spell for shit. i smoke too much, i drink to little, I have an awesome family, and more than your average amount of true friends. I am a lucky and grateful man for what i have. When i grow up i want to be a true self suficiant anarchist with lots of animal friends and a big huge garden full of veggys, fruit, and hemp(mostly the smokable kind). Thats the surface and is most likely as far as you want to go, But past the surface is an inner struggle of rage and peace. I want Nothing more than peace. a chance for everything on this earth to flourish. uninterupted life for all. any thing less than that is digressive. that said, fuck you political prisoners of the two party system you fucking mindless have changed to the same thing. the system represents empire. thats what we are fighting for. Freedom??? freedom to tune in to bill o'riely or keith oberman? where are the real advocates of freedom? not freedom to a sustanable american way of life, but just freedom to life. "The American Way of Life is not sustanable because it fails to recognize a world out side of america"(arandati roy). The rest of the world is not just there for you to set up missionary trips,or go sight seeing, or to exploit the poverty level for cheep labor. they are all people like you and yours. todays empire is tomorrows ashes. Hopefully you are still alive when we become third world.
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Guns or butter?