Godzilla & Co., japanese and other asian movies, Japan, Music, Amiga, Megumi Odaka, other movies
Megumi Odaka - BLUE WIND
Megumi Odaka - Autabi anata o suki ni naru
Hikaru Nishida - Nice-Catch
Ayaka's Surprise English Lesson - What kind of japan do you like the most?
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Helge Schneider bei Harald Schmidt
Dragons Forever - A date gone wrong
Richard Wagner - Götterdämmerung - Siegfried's Death and Funeral March
Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 5 - 1st movement (extract)
"Sequential" Amiga Demo by Andromeda from 1994
In the Line of Duty 4 - International trailer
Nice people from all over the world and of course some personalities like Megumi Odaka, Peter Cetera, Lisa Bonet, Rosamund Kwan, Anita Yuen, Michael J. Fox, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and so on...
Megumi Odaka is still my favourite actress (I don't know anyone else I prefer), she was also a J-Idol in the late 1980s. Although she has retired from acting, I really hope she'll return one day. :)
Here's a little slideshow:
Classical music, Pop, Rock, J-Pop, movie soundtracks, game soundtracks, Amiga scene music
Most favorite band: Chicago
Godzilla & Co., other japanese movies, HongKong or Chinese movies, Back to the Future Trilogy, Karate Kid movies, Star Wars movies, Princess from the Moon
Michael Ende - Die unendliche Geschichte (Neverending Story), Haruki Murakami - Mister Aufziehvogel (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle), Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park, Jules Verne - Die Eissphinx (The Sphinx of the Ice Fields)