Crew again
Lamb Chop
I like an abundance of music
My itunes library is liek a giant Cornucopia of music from all different genres
Mostly hardcore
But I'll listen to anything
epic movies
Corny movies
chick flicks
Movies from my childhood
Well Nothing Really except for every Sunday night starting at 8 I sit down with my TV and have some quality bonding time with PLANET EARTH!
Perks of being a wallflower
baby white arctic seals
my friends
the Spartans
The Girl Who Said This...
Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you cant change.
Kiss slowley, forgive quickly.
Play Hard, take chances.
Give everything you have...
with No regrets.
Love the people who treat you right,
Forget about the ones who dont.
Always remember,
everything happends for a reason.
Live is to short.
Live it up.