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Lady Chantie

You couldn't handle me no matter how hard you tried.

About Me

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Ok, let's update this thing. My name is Chantie and I live in Panama City Florida. I moved here from Norman, Oklahoma in January 2007. I was origionally born and raised in Owensboro, Kentucky for the first 21 years of my life. I have no children and as far as the doctors have told me, I won't be able to have kids. I look at that as a blessing in disguise since I love my freedom to get up and go whenever I choose.I am a pretty simple to get along with.Depending on my mood, I may dress in jean and t-shirt, or short shorts and a tank top, or even punk/gothic clothing. I like being a free spirit and different. My grandfather use to tell me when I was a child that I was never gonna be good enough to get into Heaven, and the Devil's gonna be too afraid to come after me. While I was his spoiled angel, I was also and still am to a point, a spitfire. I love living life to the fullest! I don't like staying at home, but I'm not a drunk either. I'd rather go out and have fun than go drinking. I like being on the move and always being occupied. I hate being bored.

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My Interests

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Wrestling - UNDERTAKER and BATISTA FAN ALL THE WAY BABY!!!! History, Native American culture, football (Mostly NFL, but I will watch College as long as its Oklahoma university. BOOMER SOONER BABY!) kick boxing, reading, dancing, music, going to the beach, mythology, and Egyptian art.


I'd like to meet:




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Now, eversince I opened up this myspace account, I have been getting hit on from men and women alike. Everyone of them that hit on me are nasty emails using things like "Cum home" Instead of Come home. Get this through your thick heads people, I got better things to do than to be a slut for someone. So if all you're looking for is a hook up or a one night stand, go look elsewhere.I like meeting all kinds of people. So if you think you can keep up with me, messege me and we'll see. I also love to meet my hero Mark Callaway. Most of you know him as the Undertaker from the WWE. If you read below in my "Heros" section you will see why I would love to meet him./ ..

My friend Don is so cool! The above video was his own creation!Eric Carr 1950 - 1991. THe God of the Thunder Drums! R.I.P Eric!





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MySpace Comments



I like all kinds of music. My grandparents grew me up on blugrass and gospel music like Bill Monroe, Ralph Stanley, and the Carter Family. My parents grew me up on Country music like, George Strait, Alabama, The Statler brothers, Jim Reeves, Bob Wills, and Pasty Cline. When I was 8 years old, my brother told them all that they were through corrupting my mind, and he introduced me to ACDC, Kiss, Led Zepplin, and Ozzy Osbourne. When I was 20, I discovered Celtic and Folk music. So, as you can see, Music is a big part of my life.




I like a good Horror movie, comedy and action movies; Favorite all time movie: Excalibur




I really don't watch TV other than on Monday & Friday nights to see Smackdown.




I love science fiction fantasy novel and HARRY POTTER! I'm a huge Harry Potter fan.....My favorite author (Other than JK Rowling) is Piers Anthony.



My brother Tony. I don't ever remember seeing him get upset about anything. He always looked at the humerous side of the situation, or found a way to make it funny. Tony is a walking comic book....My grandfather, Pop as we called him. Pop was mostly the quiet type, he never complained about anything, well almost. I was always Pop's spoiled angel. He would always give me my way when everyone else wouldn't. Pop would take me fishing everyday too. I miss being out in the boat in the early morning, with nothing but the sound of the lake, Pop, and my fishing pole....My High school History teacher, Cathy Hedges. Cathy would always get on my case anytime I was talking negative about myself. Even though over 1100 miles seperate Cathy and me, everytime I start to doubt myself, I expect to look over in the corner and see her shaking her finger at me and saying "You are better than that. STOP IT!" .... And last, but certainly not least, Mark Callaway AKA The Undertaker. Mark, through his character of the Undertaker, has taught me a lot of life lessons that my parents should have taught me. It's ok to go for your dreams...its ok to be different...its ok to stand up for what you believe in...its ok to speak your mind, but you may have to kick someone in order to make them listen...Always finish everything you start, otherwise you will end up with one hell of a mess...Never back down....Don't be afraid to fight if you have too....Always be true to yourself....Mark has, and will always be a symbol of strength, courage, and wisdom to me. I wish I could thank him in person for how much of a positive influence he has been on my life.

My Blog

In loving memory

These are my friends, Bob and Cindy.  Bob was diagnosed earlier this year with Liver cancer.  Bob passed away at 2:30am CST today.  Cindy's death is the most tragic though.  Jus...
Posted by Chantie on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:04:00 PST

How insensitive could some be?

I got up this morning and my male cat, Wulfric, wasn't acting right.  I picked him up and noticed that there was a swelling in his stomach about the size of a tennis ball.  This being Sunday...
Posted by Chantie on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 10:20:00 PST

This is REALLY getting out of hand

I just got into a size 14 in jeans within the last 12 days!  And now the Damn things are lose!  This is really starting to get out of hand, muchless I'm getting very tired of buying jeans ev...
Posted by Chantie on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 07:16:00 PST

Boyfriend Application

I got this off of one of MySpace friends pages.  Kinda cute too!   Body: SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU!GiRLS TiTLE iT "BOYFRiEND APPLiCATiON"BOYS TiTLE iT "GiRLFRiEND APPLiCATION...
Posted by Chantie on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 03:29:00 PST

This is getting ridiculous

Each month for the last four months I have had to go and buy new jeans.  Back in april Iwas in a size 20 in jeans and I could only get to the first notch on my belt.  Now my size 16 jeans ar...
Posted by Chantie on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:24:00 PST

It was a really bad day at work

Man, I tell you what!  People can be jerks!  Working in a convience store, I have come across more than my share of jerks.  Today was National Stuck-up, illiterate, and no speak english...
Posted by Chantie on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 06:42:00 PST