Bowling, Slow Pitch Softball, friends, women, baseball games, football games, wedding receptions, not working, driving.
Kenny Chesney, George Strait, John Gotti, and a woman that's gonna like me for me and not try to change anything about me. I'm not perfect but who are we kidding, neither is anyone else.
Country!! Chesney is the man. George Strait is still hittin the charts. I think i know every word of every song on both country radio stations. Bob Seger, Tom Petty. Pretty Much all Country.
Comedies, action, drama.
YES, Law and Order:SVU, Spike(UFC,CSI), CBS for all the bills games they shouldn't televise for the sake of the bills nation.
Can't read!
My parents. They should've disowned me by now, all the shit i put them through. They've always been there and I love them both for that.