I am interested in Boys, Music, and Movies. ************************** Ash is a very nice person to hang with and i love being around her..NO HOMO..we have so much fun and we have so much to talk about...and both of us love ROTC so we do know how to kick ur bottom-b-dunks...lol Dis my Kuzo Nesha.. My homie 4life. We have so much fun together...lol. We go err whea and love to talk to new people.. And people that others kno that dont need to knoe..hahaha... Then we tend to always get in TROUBLE...LMAO.. We always talkin on the phone about somebody...HEY!!! It might just be u...hahah.But i wouldnt kno wat to do with out her...love u big head:) Dis my friend Tanisha...I miss u i kant wait till u kome bak home..it boring without u...um ready to party !!!...love u Breanna acting all krazy...lol Dis my homie yo
I like to meet people that are fun, funny and cool to hang around with. This is my every thing she may get on my nerves sumtimes.But she's da bestthing dat i ever had.Dis b MomDukz
I like 2 can play dat game,All fridays, Repo, and all types of scarey movies.
I like South Park, The simpsons, American Dad, Family Guy,
I like The Coldest Winter
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