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I am here for Friends

About Me

I solemnly swear I am up to no good.
Name: Charlotte Catherine May
Birthdate: March 4
Birthplace: MA
Current Location: Boston
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'-2"
Weight: varies
Piercings: Ears and navel
Tatoos: Briar rose on the back
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Boyfriend
Overused Phraze: Wicked
Food: Mac and cheese
Candy: Reese's peanutbutter cups
Number: 12
Color: Blue
Animal: Wolves and seals
Drink: Iced tea
Alcohol Drink: Jameson on the rocks
Bagel: Rosemary olive oil
Letter: what?
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes though I appreciate a nice ass
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: I'm a sucker for Mickey D's chicken nuggets
Strawberry or Watermelon: Depends. Strawberry for fruit, watermelon for lollypops
Hot tea or Ice tea: Iced
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot chocolate, though I'm becoming addicted to Italian espresso
Kiss or Hug: Nothing beats a good bear hug that lifts you off your feet and spins you around
Dog or Cat: Depends on the animal but, mostly I like em both
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Fall
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: I don't do scary movies. Give me gratuitous action flix
Love or Money: Happiness
Bedtime: I don't do sleep. I'm an architect
Most Missed Memory: If I knew what it was I wouldn't miss it now would I?
Best phyiscal feature: My smile
First Thought Waking Up: I wish it was still italy outside
Goal for this year: Figure out where to go from here
Best Friends: My black sheep, everyone else you know who you are ;-P
Weakness: peanutbutter cups and Air Force boys
Fears: Spiders
Heritage: Irish
Longest relationship: Define relationship...technically I never broke up with my first boyfriend so we're going on 7 years now I guess
Ever Drank: I'm Irish
Ever Smoked: nope
Pot: nope
Ever been Drunk: I'm Irish
Ever been beaten up: If you don't know the answer to this then it's none of your business
Ever beaten someone up: I've been told I have a sweet right cross, but no. Not really anyway
Ever Shoplifted: Yes. I was seven. and it was a jelly bean. I'm a bad, bad girl
Ever Skinny Dipped: of course
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yup
Been Dumped Lately: You have to be dating in order to be dumped
Favorite Eye Color: I'm not picky. So long as there are two, we're good
Favorite Hair Color: Brown, but I'm open minded
Short or Long: Short hair
Height: Taller than me in heels
Style: I don't do pretty. Sorry but I like testosterone too much
Looks or Personality: Looks fade, asshole is forever
Hot or Cute Can't I have both?
Drugs and Alcohol: I like my men with a heroin seriously what kind of a question is this?
Muscular or Really Skinny: Has to be able to pick me up and do so often
Number of Regrets in the Past: There are things that I wish had worked out differently but no regrets. They're a waste of my time. I made my choices and paid the depts.
What country do you want to Visit: Russia
How do you want to Die: Happy
Been to the Mall Lately: Couple weeks ago
Do you like Thunderstorms: Oh Gawd yes
Get along with your Parents: Sure
Health Freak: Not really
Do you think your Attractive: I'm trouble. If you're attracted to that, then there you go
Believe in Yourself: Somebody's got to
Want to go to College: Done and done
Do you Smoke: Didn't we already do this one?
Do you Drink: Again, IRISH
Shower Daily: Usually
Been in Love: no comment
Do you Sing: Only in the shower or for little kids. Otherwise you have to work to get me to. That or get me really drunk
Want to get Married: Someday
Do you want Children: Sure
Have your future kids names planned out: I'd name my daughter Jameson, but I'd never live down the "Mom named me after alcohol." There's enough of that in my family already. Besides, it's bad enough I have a cousin named Beretta
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Been there, lost that
Hate anyone: People who can't pick a side of the sidewalk to stay on!
If Charlie Kat were a drink they would be:
4 parts divine
2 parts affectionate
3 parts crazy

Get Your RECIPE Here! ..
Layout by:..That would be my cousin "Lefty Dave" of Chicago playing Eddie Van Halen's Frankenstrat.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can make me laugh.

My Blog

Wasting time until trivia night

name = Charlotte, Charlie, Lotty, Lolly, Fruitcake, Sophia, Reese, Harlot, Beretta, Lotus, basically you call it, I'll answer. piercings = Ears, Navel tattoos = Trying but not yet height= 5'2" sho...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Dec 2004 15:17:00 GMT