We are a collection of people dedicated to making the Cleveland local music scene something people will want to be a part of. We do photography, promotional material, and promotion for all of our shows. Bands will be expected to promote the shows as well, but we want to avoid "YOU MUST SELL TICKETS" as much as possible. There will be times that ticket sales will be mandatory, but we will try to help sell them with the bands.
We have a group of people willing to put in the time and effort needed to get the job done, and we are always looking for more people to help. If you are hard working, dedicated, and want to help with passing out fliers and promo materials contact us.
We are new and know there will be some bumps in the long road ahead, but we are willing to work through that to achieve our goals. We want to build a solid good reputation in the area by being upfront and honest.
You may notice there are hardly ever updates on this page. We have been VERY busy moving, doing a lot of footwork, and making new friends and connections in the local scene. For the best updates and easier contact go to the Bloodoll Photography myspace. It gets checked daily.
Bloodoll, Brodie, and TwistedMyGen Profile Generator