Whitney profile picture


I have ADD

About Me

I enjoy long walks on the beach and im looking for a taaaall daaark myyysterious maan.. i also like frolicking in the meadows and Mexican food! So pick me bachelor ..1! Oh and I have an obssession Jesse McCartney!

My Interests

Omg! Modeling, acting, listening to music, movies, TRYING to sing, watching Janice mess with Dean Myers, dreaming, soccer, hanging out with Janice, Waterford, flirting, shopping!

I'd like to meet:

DUUUH!!! Jesse McCartney, Jennifer Aniston, Ashton Kutcher, Brad Pitt, and thats all i can think of!


Green Day, Good Charlotte,* Dashboard Confessionals*,Eminem, Janice and the pussy Cats, Bowling For Soup, Simple Plan, Matchbook Romance, Yellow Card, Tim McGraw, *****Jesse McCartney*****


Napolian Dynamite, Pearl Harbar, The Notebook, Pay It Forward, A Walk To Remember,


Extreme Makover Home Edition, The Swan, American Idol, Two And A Half Men, Will And Grace, F*R*I*E*N*D*S, Life As We Know It, Sweet 16, Room Raiders, Trading Spouses


Jinx, Ginger, *The Boy Next Door*, White Wolf, Speak, Flipped, Star Girl, Hoot, Theres SO MANY!!
