I like to make my bed very tight when I make it. I color coordinate all my clothes. I feel that orange juice or/and a walk in the park could almost cure anything. I love folding things. I hate four-way stops.
I savor any music
that produces
any lighthearted,
peaceful feeling.I still wear the same tennis shoes from 6th grade. I love to run. I LOVE being with my family. I dont like playing cards, or many board games for the matter. I love my work.I make lots of lists, only because I know that I will forget and I predict my problem and fix it. I hate pizza sauce on my pizza, I usually scarp it off. My goal in life is to always wish everyone "Happy Birthday" on their birthday. I dont like and cant watch horror films. I enjoy british comedy. Sci-fi is my thing - I like my lasagna burnt .. its better that way. I desire 100 degree weather all year around. I do not claim or attempt to be anyother race than what I appear to be. I have a terrible fear of one-way streets and rollercoasters.
I love watching videos games. Maxx Pain, Original Mario and Resident evil are my favorites. I am a great one on one person. I am not a chocolate fan. I LOVE Graffiti.I hate cereal!! I love steak ... Love it, I could have it for breakfast. I have never flipped anyone off. Biggest excitement in my life is planning and going to concerts. I would like to be a Storm chaser if I end up retired and bored.
I dont eat fast food and dont drink pop. I am a boarder line granola person. My health is very important to me.
Three super powers i would like to have:
- Move things with my mind
- Control Weather
- Run and never get tired.