Frost profile picture


What once was, shall be again........... so is the will of the universe!

About Me

Well, let's see........ oh yeah thats right, ask me personally!

adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

World DOMINATION. Nah seriously, just conquering one country would satisfy me.

I'd like to meet:

The Justice League of America, Ghengis Khan, Nero, Hitler, Pontus Pilot, Adam, The very first homo sapien, Noah, Solomon, The theif on the hill, Ramses, Cleopatra, Ceasar, Mark Antony, Hannibal (the one with the Elephants, not the Fava beans), William Wallace, Elizabeth I, Henrey VIII, Richard I, Winston Churchill, Christopher Colombus, Eric the red, Davey Crockett, Abraham Lincoln, The very last soilder to die, Castro, Hirohito, Wyatt Erp, Doc Holiday, The donner family, Jack the Ripper, Ed Gein, Albert Fisch, FDR, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, P.T. Barnum, Al Capone, William Merrick, .......... damn I'm tired of typing. Suffice it to say way too many to mention.


If it doesn't make my ears bleed, I'll probably listen to it.


Basically the same as with music,only with my eyes not my ears, but I do love Horror, Sci-fi, Comedy, Action, documentaries, porn, oh hell........ If it's on film I like it.


Angel, Buffy, House, Smallville, Fraiser, Will & Grace, Mind of Mencia, Web Junk 2.0, Dirty jobs, Star Trek (all forms), Sports, Darhma & Greg, family guy, simpsons, Deadliest catch, shark week, Sopranos, married with children.........and the list goes on and on


Currently, the original conan novels! But also any thing by R.A. Salvatore, most especially the companion series. Laurell K. Hamiltons "anita blake" series Comics at large Stephen King, Anne Rice, Poe, Shakespere, Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Dr. Seuss, and many many more, Classics, fiction, Biography, non- fiction, basically, if it's in print and it intrests me, I read it.


Chris Champion, Undertaker, Joshua Sabbath, Hal Jordan, Superman, Batman, Captain America, My dad!