"Turd Ferguson" profile picture

"Turd Ferguson"

About Me

Slightly overhanging limestone with perfectly spaced bucket holds, nipple deep powder beneath freshly waxed tele skis, a warm day on a slackline, a cold Fat Tire, #2 hand cracks for 100 feet, dumpster diving, thrift stores, dutch oven encheladas, living the dream, awkward social situations, and laughing until i vomit.

My Interests

Rock climbing, ice climbing, mountain climbing, tree climbing, corporate ladder climbing, indian leg wrestling, dirtbagging, tele skiing, meteor showers, yoga, hot tub poaching, funny oxymorons (corporate responsibility, successful war, environmentally-friendly automobile, etc.), and of course, handling poisonous reptiles.

I'd like to meet:

Kurt Hahn. Mc Guyver. Jack Kerouac. Derrick Jensen. Ideally, though, I'd like to drink PBR with the Dalai Lama.


Anything that gets me out of my seat and screaming, "NO!! NO!!! DON'T STOP!"


An abbreviated list might look something like this: Waking Life, Donnie Darko, Crash,The Fountain, Life as a House, Wet Hot American Summer, The Weatherman, Grizzly Man, What the Bleep do we know?, Mallrats, Garden State, Run Ronnie Run, Mystery Science Theater, Life Aquatic, but mostly RED DAWN starring Patrick Swayzee.


“Change the channel”- Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt's advice to Iraqis who see TV images of innocent civilians killed by coalition troops. [NYT 12th April 2004]


The Story of B, Ishmael, The Culture of Make Believe, Listening to the Land, Burn Collector, A Heartbreaking work of Staggering Genius, Survivor, Earth Speaks, The Art of Happiness, Peace is Every Step.