Music, science, my partner, medicine, computers (kind of.... except they fuck me off... it's kind of a love/hate relationship..), reading, philosophy... reading about philosophy...
Noone.... Well, someone... but not like that... If you just wanna chat, that's cool, but if you just wanna "chat" fuck off... Oh, I really am a friendly person, really I am!!!
PATCH ADAMS! and Donnie Darko, American Beauty, Life is Beautiful, The Pianist, Vanilla Sky, 40 days and 40 nights, the sweetest thing, LOTR, Harry Potter (kind of... it's another love/hate relationship.. I have nephews you see.. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about), Chicago, Aladdin..... I'll just put "most" and leave it at that....
no thanks... not since Joan of Arcadia went away :(
Lots... particularly The Great Ideas by Suzanne Clemenshaw, but most of them surfice.
n/a... I don't live in Ancient Greece...