Montage Mom of The Month
Erica Robinet
Chisago City, MN
Montage Child:
Nashville, Food, Music, Whiskey
Favorite Montage Act:
Minnie Murphy
Favorite Song By A Montage Act:
Favorite Concert:
The Black Keys
What Do You Think Your Child Does All Day:
Sleeps in my belly and practices Karate kicking
If You Could Have Any Other Montage Employee As Your Child, Who Would It Be:
Deb Haus, hands down
How Do You Feel About Global Warming:
I voted for Barack Obama
Your Child’s Most Embarrassing Moment:
Favorite Thing To Do When Visiting Your Child In Nashville:
Right now it goes wherever I want, which is usually to the bar
Are You Really Happy You Kid Is In The Music Business, Or Do You Wish They Were A Fast Food Employee:
I just hope they get a job in this economy
When Your Child Was Young, What Did They Want To Be When They Grew Up:
I think it will want to be a Space Cowboy. I put Steve Miller Band up to my stomach and blast "The Joker"
What Is In Your CD Player Right Now:
Heidi Feek, she has pretty famous parents and she's my roomate
What Was The Last Movie You Watched:
Natural Born Killers
Do You Think Lunch Is Fun:
Lunch is my everything along with dinner
At What Point Did You Realize Your Childs Life Would Go To Shit And Work In The Music Business: