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About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I love my dad.

My Interests

gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and ImageI love the smell of crayons I love turnip greens and morning glories. I used to live in Japan. I love New York.

I'd like to meet:

Tino Rodrigo


I never had to be bad, my momma raised me madwhen I was 14, I had a first edition american walkman. Nevermind the Bollocks spent a lot of time in it. You're pretty, pretty vacant. It made for some really great choices in boyfriends. Never a dull moment . . .Everytime I hear Debut, I have a new favorite song.microphone fiend hear my phone ringin sound like a long distance call party said anotha mule kickin in your stall The Mohotella Queens: Some of the most beautiful music everI am very proud to be woman from Tennessee A wildwood flower


I will never forget the cold saturday afternoon my mom took me to see Coal Miner's Daughter. The idea of a woman songwriter and music star was so thrilling to me. "Babies, your momma's a dad-gum songwriter" When I saw this scene, I wanted a daughter. I got a good one.


THen And Now I confess!!


I am Enid and Enid is me. The heart IS a lonely hunter. As an English major, my favorite paper was on Zen and nothingness in the Wastland


When I was little, I thought Indian women with their saris and pierced noses were the most beautiful women ever. My favorite thing to play was Hindu princess. I attended a nearly all black elementary school in midtown Memphis starting in 1973. Everyday was Martin Luther King Day. As it should be. Margaret Sanger Frida, you made me love you; I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to do it. When I saw my favorite Kahlo painting at the MoMA, I wept.

My Blog

State of Rock and Roll Address

Here is what you all have been waiting for: My state of rock and roll address. Well, I am happy to announce that rock and roll is alive and robust in the form of Akron Ohio's The Black Keys. Yes, the ...
Posted by elizabeth on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:00:00 PST

There are lots of kinds of voices

My Margaret made this observation over the last few days: There are lots of kinds of voices. There are lots of kinds of eyes. There are lots of kinds of hairs. There are lots of kinds of skin. Based o...
Posted by elizabeth on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 07:09:00 PST

Things that drive me crazy

Weak ass coffee. If you are going to drink coffee, make it strong. It should move your bowels and make you sweat ("will it make me sweat?!"). Don't serve me weak ass coffee and then add insult to inju...
Posted by elizabeth on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:50:00 PST

Things I Find Insidious

Things I find insidious:Bratz, Baby Bratz, Bratz Catz and anything else which encourages the sexualization of children.Land developers and their supporters who define progress by ripping up giant tree...
Posted by elizabeth on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 09:07:00 PST