Students for DC Vote profile picture

Students for DC Vote

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Spread the Word! Tell your friends about DC Vote on MySpace , Facebook and YouTube ! You can also feature DC Voting Rights on your Facebook profile by adding the Cause Application and then joining the DC Voting Rights cause . The Cause Application also allows you to easily invite your friends to join with you in demanding the vote. The more people know about DC voting rights, the more people will support it. Take a minute to encourage your friends to be our friend !

DC residents pay federal income taxes, serve on juries and die in wars to defend American democracy but are denied a vote in Congress. As we work to extend democracy around the world, the time has come to bring democracy to our nation's capital.

We urge you to support the DC Voting Rights Act (S. 1257) by writing or calling your Senators, writing letters to your local papers and volunteering in DC Vote's upcoming events. Learn more at .

About Students for DC Vote

Students for DC Vote work to raise awareness about DC Vote and the issue of DC voting rights on college campuses across America. Students from around the country become ambassadors for DC voting rights by educating fellow students on DC's denial of democracy.

For more information on Students for DC Vote, contact us at students at or get in touch with our DC Vote Students Outreach Committee Chair:
Sarah Pokempner at spokempner at

Take Action Across the Country

Campus coordinators commit to organizing awareness campaigns at their schools. This can range from simply donning your DC Vote shirt to starting your own Students for DC Vote chapter. Students for DC Vote is already in 17 states around the country. Help us spread even further!
Find YOUR campus coordinator or learn how to become one by contacting our national coordinators:
Molly McArdle
by e-mail at mmcardle at
Margaret McCarthy
by e-mail at mjmcc at
Emma Levine
by e-mail at eplevine at

Activities, Resources and Information

    In the NewsFlyersCampus ActivitiesOne-Page Information SheetsPast Events

My Interests

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My Blog

Young Suffragists Protest Taxation Without Representation in DC

Young Suffragists Protest Taxation Without Representation in DC Events Planned in Capital and California to Raise Awareness Among Youth June 14, 2007 Washington, DC - Youth advocates from Washin...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:38:00 GMT

Strong Bipartisan Vote Boosts Momentum for DC Voting Rights

Strong Bipartisan Vote Boosts Momentum for DC Voting Rights Senate Committee Passes Bill 9-1 June 13, 2007 Washington, DC - DC Vote applauds the strong, bipartisan vote today of 9-1 in favor of gr...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:37:00 GMT

Senate Committee Marks-up DC House Voting Rights Act Tomorrow

Senate Committee Marks-up DC House Voting Rights Act Tomorrow Committee Action is the Last Hurdle Before S. 1257 Floor Vote June 12, 2007 Washington, DC - The Senate Committee on Homeland Security...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:33:00 GMT

DC House Voting Rights Act Clears Another Senate Hurdle

DC House Voting Rights Act Clears Another Senate Hurdle DC Vote Works Toward Mark-Up May 23, 2007 Washington, DC - Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the DC House Voting Right...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:30:00 GMT

Judiciary Committee Takes Next Steps on DC House Voting Rights Act

Judiciary Committee Takes Next Steps on DC House Voting Rights Act Committee Hearing Tomorrow Will Focus on Constitutionality May 22, 2007 Washington, DC - The Senate Judiciary Committee will hol...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:29:00 GMT

DC House Voting Rights Act Hearing Leads to Pending Mark-Up

DC House Voting Rights Act Hearing Leads to Pending Mark-Up Lieberman Intends to Move the Legislation Within a Month May 15, 2007 Washington, DC - Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) kicked off today's Hom...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:25:00 GMT

DC House Voting Rights Act Considered in Senate Committee Tomorrow

DC House Voting Rights Act Considered in Senate Committee Tomorrow Momentum from House Vote Sends Bill Forward May 14, 2007 Washington, DC - The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmen...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:17:00 GMT

DC Voting Rights Act Introduced in Senate with Changes

DC Voting Rights Act Introduced in Senate with Changes DC Vote Applauds Lieberman, Hatch for Swift Action May 1, 2007 Washington, DC - Senators Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) today ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:15:00 GMT

DC Voting Rights Act Returns to House Floor Tomorrow

DC Voting Rights Act Returns to House Floor Tomorrow DC Vote Expecting a Bipartisan Vote April 18, 2007 Washington, DC - The DC Voting Rights Act (now H.R. 1905) is scheduled to return to the House...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:14:00 GMT

Thousands Will Demand the Vote for DC on Monday

Thousands Will Demand the Vote for DC on Monday Mayor, City Leaders and Members of Congress Will Join Citizens for March April 15, 2007 Marching down Pennsylvania Avenue, citizens and civil right...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:11:00 GMT