Sport Sport Sport!!!!! and of course hanging with my friend and drinking some beers is always good mmmmmm TED's (Tooheys Extra Dry for all you non beer knower ppl out there) Typical Aussie beer and sport
Hillary Duff (u all no y) Carmen Electra (same reason)
Music hmmmmmm.......Music is the best invention ever i dont know what i would do without my music. JET, RHCP, LOSTPROPHETS, FOOIES, GUNNERS(OLD SCHOOL) are all awsome
Movies are awsome the best thing in the world when u juz feel like vegging out i hate when ppl try to put them on at parties it shits me. My favourites are Interview with a vampire, Training day( i love that movie), Black Hawk Down and Top Gun (yeehaa Jesters Dead)
Mmmmm T.V. it is awsome i love T.V. esp. My wife and kids and Family Guy "Is this really the blood of christ? Wow that guy must have been wasted 24/7"
HaHaHaHa yeah out of the two i have read the first one was better