Lea, Nathan, EQ, the computer, my friends & family back home, animals (especially guinea pigs), Rocky Road Blue Bell ice cream (it's the best), anything blue, blush wine, driving & singing, ice cold lemonade, having my feet rubbed (it's where I keep all of my stress), watching Lea sleep, getting a manicure and/or pedicure (especially with a good friend), really wild thunder & lightening storms, looking at pics of my friends & family, showering & singing, watching a concert at Stubb's, playing badminton, running down the Riverwalk, killing poisonous snakes, playing with my hair (when I have time), counting and saying the ABC's with Lea, doing dishes & singing, coffee, CEREAL, looking at nail polishes, have a great conversation with a friend, taking pics of Texas, reading Lea's video fan mail, having a clean house (if only for an hour), watching good movies with Nathan, finger painting in ketchup or bbq sauce to get Lea to eat, did I mention singing?
I don't think there's anyone in particular I'd really like to meet, but if I had the chance I'd like to see my dad again. I'd like to sit and talk with him and see if he likes the fact I named my daughter after his mother... I'm sure he would, I'd just like to hear it, or anything at all, from him.
I've had a love affair with good ole rock 'n roll for a long time. I do have some favorites, but I like anything with good guitar and a beat you can dance to. Our Lady Peace, Better Than Ezra, The Killers, Sheryl Crow, Jewel, A Perfect Circle, Ben Folds, Moby, Coldplay, Radiohead, The Muse, Cake, Garbage, Alanis Morissette, Lit, Metallica, Green Day, The White Stripes... and too many more to list. But that'll give you an idea.
I'm a big fan of lawyer movies like A Time To Kill, Erin Brockavich, even Legally Blonde, ha ha. Anything that shows you a story of injustice and brings it to light in the eyes of the law. I don't understand why, I just like them... weird. I also enjoy a good adventure flick like the Goonies and the Disney animations are great also.
I love Food Network. Good Eats, Iron Chef (original was better), Emeril Live, Unwrapped, $40 A Day, Paula's Home Cooking, the Food Network competitions, pretty much anything on there is good. I also watch the local 24 hour news channel to make sure there's STILL no rain in the forecast (I'm rarely disappointed), and the People's Court. That's about it.
I have read all Stephen King's books, my favorites being the Gunslinger series (my fav books of all time), I love the Harry Potter series, and have even gotten into the Dragonlance series (only the originals by Weis & Hickman). I like books that take you on a long journey and reward your hard work walking alongside the characters.
My parents for doing such a good job at such a difficult task (raising us three little wild girls), my husband for helping me so much every day (even when he's tired coming home from work), my daughter for having the courage to try new things, and everyone back home for millions of reasons too numerous to list here, but you all know why.