Ticking Grenade profile picture

Ticking Grenade

Verbophobia I feel like I wasted my life.. For something so fake.

About Me

I'm not the average girl, everyone wants to meet. If you fags don't know me, which you should. I'm Amber. It's doesn't matter my age, but if you have to know... Open your eyes and look. It say's it right there in front of your face. For my living status right now, some of you jerks are probably confused with it. I moved outta CA to NY, but than some shit went down, so I went to FL but after awhile.. I wanted to come back. I had a blast out in FL with my sister and all, but it was time to stop running from problems. So I came back to CA to take care of problems, and when it's all over with, I'm going back out there (FL), for good. As for my looks, I have 9 piercing and 2 tat's . And for the rest of me, that's what pictures are for. Family -n- Friend wise... I have a mother, a father, a brother, 4 sisters. My mother, is not the best mother on earth, and believe me, she's done a lot wrong (remember, we are only human.), but I still love her... And she's the best mom, anyone could have asked for at this point. My father, did a few things wrong... And is paying for it in jail right now. It's the hardest thing to go through, having to talk to him through a glass and a phone. It blows, hardcore. My brother, is a shit ass, but he's had my back from day one. I love that kid. My sister's we are going to split up... 3 of my sisters, I don't know. Never met them in my life. I found 1 out of the 3, and she rejected me, hardcore. So I couldn't tell you anything about them, but I hope they come around one day. My 4th sister... Jeni... I love to death. She's always there for me when I need her. She talks me through everything. She saved my ass so many damn times, I lost count of it. I'd still be in New York if it wasn't for her. My grandmother, blood father, aunt and uncle, are awesome. They will help you through everything, by giving you good points and bad points. As for friends, Sierra, Connie, and Jessica. They are FRIENDS. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have made it very far. They talked to me through everything I was going through. They are who I ran to when shit went wrong. I love them to death. But if it wasn't for all of these people, I said in here. I wouldn't have made it very far. These are people I live for.Working, status; I did work, at a job called Albertsons. That was back before I left CA. It wasn't the best job, anyone would want to have. But it's when you bite you tongue and get through the days. To support your family. I hated it. But I would have died, from my managers, driving me crazy... If it wasn't for the people I worked with. They were wonderful. Since New York... I've had 3 other jobs.. As soon as I'll be working again. Everything else tho. I have black with red and blonde streeks in my hair. Still thinking about cutting it, into a mohawk. I have hazel eye's most of the time. Why most of the time? Because they like to add brown or more green to them. Depending on my mood. I'm about as tall as 5'5-5'6. 5'5 without shoes, 5'6 with shoes. I've been told I have a beautiful smile, but I hate it; Though I love to laugh. I wear hoodies a lot. Very rare, you'll see me without one on me. I can sage my short/pants if I want! I do it only when I'm wearing boxers though. I love TRANCE, hopfully, going to be looking into Deejaying, soon. I do wear shorts on the outside of my pants, some times. I love to wear two different color socks, or socks with flip flops. I wear a lot of black clothing, but yet.. I'm NOT gothic. I hate labels, so if your going to label something Go fuck yourself. I do bite my nails, it's a habbit. I hate milk. Yuck. And feet are fucking grose. OH YEAAAA! I'm afraid of the dark. AND AND AND!!.. I walk into EVERYTHING. My favorite color is, CLEAR! Why? Because every color comes through. I am bisexaul, go head, make fun of me, whatever is clever. Yes, I'm single. What's the point on wasting my love towards someone, when all it turns to be is fake and all lies. You tell me that one. The end.
Peter Urquhart
Heide Budde
I love you
Miss you both


My Interests

I'd like to meet:




Bryce, Marley, Rylie
The best three kids, ever! They are so little, but have done so much for me. And it's funny, how three kids, can change your life... Faster than someone that is always there for you. They are what I live for. I love you guys.