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About Me

Hi,my name is Donna Cochran and if your interested I will tell you a few things about myself. I am a born again christian been saved ever since I can remember. I have been in church my whole life. I have not always served God But I am thankful that he is merciful. God has blessed me with the talent to sing and write songs. I can play the piano which I still have alot to learn. In 2001 God spoke to me and told me he wanted me to preach his word. Oh boy! I was scared have to death!! I knew I had a calling but because I am a woman I wasn't sure I could stand up to the ridicule. But I have had to realize that I don't answer to anyone but God himself!! Man did not save me nor can he add or take away from stature!! I say "you do what God tells you to do" and I will do what God tells me to do!!AMEN! Well,about four years ago the Holy Spirit fell on me and I heard the voice of God say "I have called you to be a prophet among the nations". Wow! Of course I was so afraid to admit it. But I am here today Oct.28,2007 proclaiming YES! God has called me to be a prophet. He himself ordained me and anointed me for such a time as this. This is a new beginning for me. God has had to strip me so that he could reclothe me. In garments of holiness and righteousness. God broke some things off of me this weekend. I can't look back I have to look forward. My goal is to win favor with God not man. I am just a vessel that the Holy Spirit works through.I am going to fulfill the plan that God has planned for me. I hope I can encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to fulfill their destiny. I just want the love of God to shine through me. I want to be a Simeon to someone that has fallen under the weight of their cross. I hope everyone that reads this has been blessed and encouraged. I am nothing but with God I am something. It's not about me but all about Him! Last but not least. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and two wonderful boys. Right now we pastor and we also sing as The Cochran Family. God has blessed me beyond what I deserve. I hope I can give to others like God has given to me. Love and Blessings, Donna

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Christ face to face! I would also like to meet people who are happy and up beat. People who encourage instead of discourage.I want to meet people with a vision to go higher with God. People who have love to give not discord. People who are positive not negative. As a christian we have to remember it is not about us but all about God.-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.--------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Climb to the top of the charts! Play Star Shuffle: the word scramble challenge with star power. Play Now! Change your options to hide images within all messages. Move to folder: INBOX Drafts MailGuard SentMail Trash Message: 9 of 317 < Previous | Next >Check E-mail | Compose | Folders | Mailboxes | E-mail Help Logout | E-mail | Address Book | Calendar | E-mail Options AT&T | Advertising | Help & Contact Us | Terms of Service | Copyright | Privacy Policy | Acceptable Use Policy © 2007 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.

My Blog

My health

You know I must be desperate two blogs in one morning. I am going aug.7th to have a nuclear test done on my heart and a stress test. I have been feeling very sick and like I am having a heart attack. ...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 10:22:00 GMT

Take me, break me and then make me!

I can honestly say that this year I have been broken!! I hope to the good Lord that I don't ever have to come back to this place. I feel like there has been a death. This has made me search my own hea...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 23:03:00 GMT

The greatest thing

When we are discouraged and depressed when we feel overwhelmed by life itself. When we go day after day trying to change the things in our lives that need to change. When we feel we have no purpose we...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:50:00 GMT

When man says" NO" God says "YES"

We all know that we can't please man. Man is never satisfied with anything. I realized awhile back that as long as I am pleasing God that everything else will fall into place. We are pastor again but ...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:09:00 GMT