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*Jazze Fay*

I am here for Friends

About Me

fashion layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotCommentsAllow me 2 Introduce myself,My Name Is Lafay N.Barnett.My Favorite Color IsBlue and My Favorite number Is 7. My Bday Is March 2 so that makes me a pisces,which most likely if u kno me well I fit the description of.I'm loveable,kindhearted,caring young woman.I've yet to find my soulmate so that makes me single.I loveto hang out and have fun with my friends when I'm not at my place of employmentwhich is The Home Depot.I love driving my baby which is my car n that would be a99 Toyota Corolla.I love to listen to music so I keep my Ipod Touch close to me.Mybestfriend keeps me going,I love him to death,and nothing should ever split usapart,Yeah I'm talkin bout you Justin L. Whitworth.I love my family especially avery important woman in my life which is Mrs Lafay N.Barnett my Granni n alsoLucy Barnett my mom.Even though he has not been there all of my life,He's herenow N I luv him more than ever N that He I speak of is My Daddy N my wonderfulStepmom Mrs Eleanor.Also I have 4 Wonderful Bros N 1 Excellent Sista,which don'treside in Maryland.I Luv dem 2 death.Anything else you would like 2 kno hit meup. Luv ~Fay~

Im proud 2 B a Precious Pisces

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My Blog


Dr Lover,             There's sumtin datz been on my mind 4 da longest time.I've been n luv wit u 4 da longest time.I realy wanted 2 be wit u but I ended up wit sum 1 else.It hurt me da most wen u had...
Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 20:33:00 GMT

Meet Da Otha Side

Meet Da Other Side Of Me Sometimez I can B happy,Sometimez I can B sad At timez I'm just angry or just plain ol mad When people piss me off I want 2 fight But I look back on the consequences and say d...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:05:00 GMT

My Basic Wants & Needs

My Basic Wants & Needs I wish U could just hold me I wish U could just rock me in ur arms slowly Right now I wish I was urz & by urside Cauz I'm sick of takin dis solo ride I wish me & U c...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 07:25:00 GMT

Just Being Curious

Just Being Curious If I was hurt, would U B there 4 me? If I was blind, would U B my eyez so I can see? If I was dyin,would U B by my side? If I was in trouble, would U B my look out so I can hide? Wo...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 05:08:00 GMT

One Special Friend

One Special Friend I really can't explain it I don't know what 2 say But it seems like I think of the same thing everyday It's this 1 thing that stays on my mind and I Can't throw it away or leave it...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 02:39:00 GMT

The dark

The Dark Im all alone in a quiet place You can't see nothing, not even my face By myself in the dark Theres dead silence, all you hear is the beat of my heart Sitting here I feel like a complete stran...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 02:21:00 GMT