Trish profile picture


you have taught me and made me better

About Me

"Make sure you got clean underwear, she always said, in case you get in an accident & I always figured that'd be the least of my worries, but now I'm older & I see there's a lot you can't control & some you can control & clean underwear is one of those you can. For the most part."

My Interests

Painting, the smell of rain, laughing, friends, family, wine, baseball...

I'd like to meet:

"You're the strangest person I ever met, she said & I said you too & we decided we'd know each other a long time."


Anything Classic, thanks to my dad...Fiona Apple, Janis Joplin,Bedouin Soundclash, Dashboard, Beatles, Sublime, Jack Johnson, Stephen Speaks, Al Green, Marvin Gaye...anything...


Kristin and I have seen so many great ones hard to pick...


Since the move to the U.K....not much of a T.V. fan any longer...but I do love when I catch some CSI over here...and thank god for Sex in the City DVD collection.


White Oleander, The Alchemist, Eleven Minutes, Night, My Sisters Keeper, The History of Love...many many more


I see a hero in everyone in my life...Thanks guys and gals!

My Blog

Oh Europe...

Posted by Trish on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:47:00 PST