New Baby Sherman |
Just wanted to let everyone know that we welcomed a new little one into the world on Thursday, Dec 6th at 11:38 a.m.
Deacon Aaron Thomas Sherman is doing very well and his brother and sister love... Posted by on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 16:46:00 GMT |
Our trip to Ethiopia (aka, the longest blog in history) |
Ok, so we are back and there is so much to tell. I suppose I could write for pages and pages about our trip, but I cant imagine that anyone would want to read that (or this for that matter)
As a... Posted by on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 16:28:00 GMT |
Leaving tomorrow |
AHHHH, so I wrote a whole blog about how we are leaving tomorrow, but some how, in my idiocy, I deleted the whole thing. And now, it is late and I am not done packing, so I have lost my patience... Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 23:07:00 GMT |
It is freezing...literally |
So, right now it is about -5 degrees, and is supposed to drop to 10 below tonight. We went out to the car to go to dinner and it was covered in three inches of snow. Rod decided it would b... Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 22:29:00 GMT |
Last day of teaching |
So, today was my official last day as a teacher. I suppose I will still be teaching, only now to the wee ones. Or, maybe I never really taught anything in the first place.
Oh well, enough ... Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 16:44:00 GMT |
AP Government Test- Oct 30th |
Hi everyone (or...maybe no one),
This is certainly kind of last minute, but I will be having a study session at my house tonight (Oct 29th) at 8pm. Anyone is welcome. You can call me if yo... Posted by on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 15:09:00 GMT |
AP Government Assignment List |
Greetings AP'ers,
Sorry in the late posting of the assignments that were due tomorow. I was having serious computer troubles, and at one point I wasnt sure if I was going to be able to get your ... Posted by on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 21:32:00 GMT |
Calendar Changes |
Hola everyone,
just wanted to give you a little update on the calendar. Since this was still an experiment i hadn't quite figured out just how to use the calendar yet. Now i realize, that ... Posted by on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 09:19:00 GMT |
You should read this...NOW...or bad things will happen |
Hey Everyone,
It's the beginning of another year...get excited. So, you are probably wondering why an old person like me would want a myspace page. The answer torture you guys.&nbs... Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 19:22:00 GMT |