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Who wouldn't want to meet the eminent Dr. Indiana Jones, A.K.A. Harrison Ford?This guy just about defines cool..for evidence, check him in his white Sinatra-esque dinner jacket in Temple Of Doom, making unsavory business transactions with Chinese gangsters one minute,romancing his shrill-but-sultry leading lady (more on her later)the next.Indy.. Harrison, I salute you.I would love to meet the talented and rarely-seen Kerri Green,who played the "Right- Side -Of -The -Tracks , red- headed cheerleader/full-time stunner,Andrea "Andy" Carmichael.I've been lusting after this girl since I was like, seven.She just stands out from the usual disposable bimbos of Hollywood.Hell,even now I'd hit it.Over twenty years later, and still a knockout.According to ruthless warlord Lao Che,"This is Willie Scott." She sure as hell is! A smokin' hot Shanghai songbird outfitted in the skin-tight sequinned dress, those sexy red nails and lipstick,those clear blue/green eyes... I was suddenly re-considering blondes all through the late 80s/early 90s as a pre-teen, (ultimately, I would decide on redheads,but thanks to Indy's lady/80s-era Kate Capshaw,there was some question.Karen Allen's Marion was cute, but I think I'd take Willie's feminine wiles over the hard-drinking, knock-a-drunk-silly thing.Plus, Willie can knock a Thuggee across mine cart tracks with a single right hook for added bonus points.)The supremely- talented, multi- faceted character actress of creepy horror fame, Karen Black, would be an honor to meet.This lady is always in some weirdo movie from the seventies or eighties.My faves include One- woman show Trilogy Of Terror,(there was just something sensual about her being such a chameleon)and ,most notably her portrayal of wily, dangerous nympho, Mother Firefly, in House Of 1,000 Corpses, (great casting, Rob,first and last thing you've done right in the film world!). Lastly, actress Anne" Mama Fratelli" Ramsey of Goonies/Throw Momma From The Train ("OWEEEENN!") fame would be such a treat to meet, though sadly, she passed of throat cancer soon after the release of "Momma". She was always saddled with the creepy old lady role, but damn it, she took each script, ran with it, and elevated what could have so easily been a cardboard character part to immortal status.From what I've heard, she was a wonderful person to know.Besides,no one can chow down on saltines while commandeering a getaway vehicle like Ol' Anne...R.I.P. Anne Ramsey, we all love you.And Owen loves his mama.