ok,i guess i'm finaly writing one of these. My name is steven. I try to be the best person i can,but i can't always be that. I live for music and people(people i understand and who understand me).I really don't understand too many people & most people don't understand me. i love punk rock,but i don't label myself as punk or dress like a fuckin' poser lookin' for atention w/ a mohawk and a patched up studded jacket.Most "punk" you'll see me is w/ a punk band on my shirt. Punk was meant to be an anti-trend,but now it sadly IS a trend. Punk is a type of music, not a type of person. LABELS ARE FOR POSERS. I think this world would be alot better place if we learned how to love and forgot how to hate(ozzys right on that one). I've been vegitarian for a little while now and don't plan to go back to meat ever. Just so u don't ask me why i'm vegitarian i'll tell u now,but i won't say it again...i think animals have just much rights as we do if not more,all we do is kill animals,eachother,and the planet(humans really serve no purpose if u think about it).anyhoo,its also kinda gross when u think of what meat is,the bloody iner layer of an animal.gross! off the subject. I have a kinda obsession w/ brody dalle,i think old vintage pictures are creepy as hell,and i eat peanut butter and jelly sanwhiches all the time.lol. I HATE ignorance! expecialy racism. In the words of Mike Ness,"Adolf Hitler stuck a cyanide capsule up his pooper,then he stuck a gun to his head and blew his head off.Anyone who beleives in white supremacy,follow your leader!" theres still a bunch of shit about me left, if u want to know it then ur just gonna have to know me...AIM = stvm1989