sam wilkin illustrates! profile picture

sam wilkin illustrates!


About Me

these days i am an artist illustrator designer projectionist person. some of my pictures are further down the page, take a look at my website if you would like to see some more - there is a link just below.

My Interests

art music art music films music art and vegetables.
i am not into bicycle thieves.

I'd like to meet:

if you are a musician, writer, ziner, zookeeper, make t shirts, badges, posters etc and you'd like me to draw, paint or photocopy you some pictures let me know, i might well be into that. if you draw pictures i'd maybe like to see them too.


too much. i'm not going to write a proper list, but here's a short current listening survey:
'to the races' by eric bachmann is just brilliant / low / iron and wine / boom bip / prince / why? / bonnie prince palace billy brothers music - all combinations thereof / the postal service / battles / nick drake / stevie wonder / chris clark / beck / tortoise / afghan whigs / pavement / gillian welch / talking heads / sole / superchunk / emmy the great / saul williams / azure ray / blondie / herman dune / micah p hinson / kevin wheeler / four tet / samuel flynn scott / loudon wainwright III / boards of canada / bright eyes / bjork / i'm from barcelona / the pretenders / daniel johnston / cornelius / jeffrey lewis / fog / nina nastasia / adem / plaid / smog / daedalus / psapp / the phoenix foundation / jonathan richman and the modern lovers / sigur ros / regina spektor / the twilight sad / pete molinari / monkey swallow the universe / some old blues records.....


as above. another quick list then, no order:
grizzly man / back to the future / spellbound / rear window / the devil and daniel johnston / ghostbusters / eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and science of sleep / repo man / la haine / manhattan / broadway danny rose / happiness / pi / ferris bueller's day off / control room / marathon man / goodbye pork pie / the prodigal son / old boy / the day the earth stood still / ghost dog / rushmore and the royal tenenbaums / ghidorah the three headed monster is the best, but most godzilla films.... / me and you and everyone we know / kind hearts and coronets / dig / talk to her / strictly ballroom / abstract films by len lye and the raging of the elements by jürgen reble / brazil / end of the century: the story of the ramones / basquiat / the incredible shrinking man / sketches of frank gehry / opening night / los olvidados / blade runner / american splendor / psycho / ed wood / waiting for guffman / the graduate / linda linda linda / do the right thing / time bandits / of course style wars / hundreds more but i've got a bad memory...


a lady in takaka told me that all tv was 2 way and controls your mind, and that someone was knocking over her bins because she was speaking out.
trapped in the closet is genius though


yep, good. join the library.

My Blog

SPEAKERDOG series 5!

Hey all,I designed a Speakerdog for series 5 of Ben the Illustrator's paper toy project.. Take a look at the whole series here:SPEAKERDOG SERIES 5sammmuel...
Posted by sam wilkin illustrates! on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 04:15:00 PST

Supersweet Fashion Illustrations...

Hey, did some pictures for the lovely Supersweet's 2007 fashion round up::::::::::Supersweet Digitalhave a look! s...
Posted by sam wilkin illustrates! on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 01:54:00 PST

new poster

here is a poster i did for the noisy and marvellous postures of wellington nz (and some friends), let me know if you've spotted any up.... would love to attend myself but half the globe is a big ...
Posted by sam wilkin illustrates! on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 12:17:00 PST

"put your hand in my mouth..."

on the way to green man i was super pleased to find that the bocca della verita had been relocated from ancient rome to a service station in wales.  sure, i put my hand in his mouth, who wouldn'...
Posted by sam wilkin illustrates! on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 05:46:00 PST

rising sun art market..........

myself and squid will have a stall at the upcoming art market - june 9.  if you are in reading come and have a look, hopefully i will have finished some work by then... rising sun arts centre art...
Posted by sam wilkin illustrates! on Thu, 17 May 2007 03:09:00 PST