Dirtbikeing, paintballing, snowboarding, hunting, anime, and vidiogames.
some peope who like to snow board, paintball, dirt bike, or just hang out. The celebrity i would like to meet most is Bruce Willis because, I'm named after him, and i like his movies.by the way, dont bother me im watching...hen tie !!!just kiding by the way!!
I like classic rock, my favorites are Van-Halen, Von-Jovie, Airosmith, and AC/DC. i also like matalica, and some other bands.some techno.
I like action movies, transporter1&2, the matrix series, the lord of the rings trilogy, andthe italian job are my favorites. dare devil
i love anime, naruto, ghostin the shell, s-cry-ed,tri-gun, inuyasha, full metal alchamist,big-O, samurai champalo and some others. i also like familly guy, futerama, the simpsons, and the oblongs
i like the lord of the rings, and the extensions to that series. i like most books set in the dark ages/mid-evil era. other than that nothing spacific.
my heroes are the marines, dare devil, Naruto, , and kazuma!!!!!
Your Anime Icons (Lots of Diff. Kinds!!!) (UPDATED!!!) by kayura_sanada
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