Lin-duh? profile picture


My lady-parts are simply on coitus hiatus

About Me

I’m: a third wave feminist, a published writer, a multitasker, and a college student.
I “tend to let whatever's in [my] head come out of [my] mouth without much consideration of the consequences” as Mr. Darcy states in Bridget Jones’s Diary; and I have to admit, sometimes it bites me in the ass.
I like to have fun... and if you want we could just spend a day being complete and total geeks (spontaneous dancing and crazy, possibly dirty, topics included)!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

♥ My own portable Mr. Darcy ♥

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[Mes Amies]

My Blog


I'm enamored by this artist. It's pretty god-damn-mother-fucking-inspiring. Zak Smith "Girls in the Naked Buisness: Voltaire" makes me the happiest! P.S. I think his being a porn star just makes me li...
Posted by Lin-duh? on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:48:00 PST