The dawn of a new era in Wicked Shit has emerged upon the world. Frantik MIndz had been reborn and ressurected from the grave after spending 3 years silent. Original member Trajik has now hooked up with the musical genious only known as Product Number Seven to bring you some of the most Hardcore, and Wicked Rap you have , or ever will hear on the face of this earth... Frantik MIndz is back and ready to do damage on anyone who opposes, haters watch out, a lyrical slug is comin for ya....
Frantik MIndz has incured many forms throughout its 8 year history. The 1st form took place in 1998 with Trajik then P-Lo and a kid named Ryan Bennette who called himself Blak Out. They recorded with Trajiks best friend and Producer Johnny Mnemonic.The 2 put out a few singles but after a few things went wrong with Blak Out and P-Lo, Lo met Assid and thus a new form of Frantik MIndz emerged.
This form of Frantik MIndz was more successfull than the last. Recording 2 EP's (Dreams Of Demons, and Stillborn) both in 2003. They also played shows with the likes of Bedlam, Nightmare Killaz, and varous artist around the MI area. In late 2003 Assid wanted his homie and then member of Nightmare Killaz 462 aka Simon to join the group. So without asking if P-Lo was ok with this, Assid made plans for another form of the group with Assid, P-Lo and Simon, thus emerges another from of Frantik MIndz...
In its final form before dying Frantik MIndz didnt do much but argue and a few members of the group didnt do much but play video games and do drugs. So with this P-lo had to go his seprate way and start solo as Trajik. Frantik MIndz with 3 members never recorded a song let alone released an album, even tho they had plans to release a full LP that fall... But now the New Frantik MIndz are takin control of the Underground. TRAJIK and PRODUCT NUMBER SEVEN are here to tear a fuckin hole in ya head wit this wicked shit.... watch out for the Debut LP coming this Winter...
T-SHIRTS = $15 (*pics coming soon*)
My Interests
Member Since: 8/2/2006
Band Members: (click on each pic for "personal" pages)
Sounds Like: Some Ol Wicked Shit...
A lyrical buck-shot to ya fuckin eardrumz
Record Label: Triple Sic/1031/Unorthodox
Type of Label: Major
My Blog
News for the 1st update ever.... please READ...
what is up my fello frantik mother fuckerssss? yall chillin...good.... cuz i have the 1st ever update of news for everyone here. now lets stat wit who i am im not Seven and no im not Trajik you ... Posted by FRANTIK MINDZ on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 03:15:00 PST